FINEX Academy Inc.

FINEX serves as the country’s highest organization of senior finance professionals. Our membership consists of more than 700 C-level or equivalent executives, including the CEOs and CFOs of top corporations, academic institutions, and start-ups and emergent businesses. It is affiliated and one of the founding members of the International Association of Financial Executives Institutes (IAFEI).

Contact us

Sarah Hazel Parapara

This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines events.

Course Profile

We have UPDATED AND IMPROVED this two-part course to provide you with enhanced knowledge, practical skills, and market intelligence to stay on top of market developments and gain a competitive edge in understanding the operation and intricacies of the capital markets. The course is spread over eight sessions with one topic and speaker for each session which should allow for a comprehensive presentation of the session topic and active engagement between the participants and lecturers. Our experts who will conduct the course sessions are known personalities in their respective fields and come from major corporations and banks that will lend their theoretical and practical knowledge in their respective subject matters.

The sessions are curated and anchored on the subjects covered by Modules 1-6 (Phase 1), and Module 7 (Phase 2) of the SEC licensing exams for fixed-income salesmen and associated persons.

Course 1 (six sessions/modules) will provide the essential tools that securities salesmen, analysts, and associated persons need to perform their functions effectively, as well as other individuals who want to have a better understanding of the workings of the Philippine Capital Markets for their professional development. The topics covered in these sessions or modules will include; (a) economic fundamental principles and capital market theories, (b) the features of various types of securities, (c) the different securities markets, their structures, participants, and regulations governing these participants, (d) corporate governance principles, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regulations and insights on detection and reporting, and (f) principles of risk management and its applications in the capital markets.

Course 2 (two sessions/modules), on the other hand, will do a deep dive into the fixed-income market and delve into the roles of the various market participants, bond valuation and bond issuance, listing, and trading processes. This course will discuss at greater length and detail the risks inherent in fixed-income investments. It will also cover credit analysis, with a focus on understanding key financial ratios.

The courses will be conducted virtually and capped with self-assessment examinations. Required advance readings will be provided to participants prior to the conduct of the sessions.

Who Should Attend

  • Prospective SEC certification examinees for salesmen and associated persons
  • Financial and investment analysts
  • Individuals involved in Finance, Treasury, Audit, and Compliance functions
  • Investment Banking practitioners
  • Other professionals who want to obtain a better understanding of the Capital Markets and Fixed Income Markets in the Philippines and further their professional development.

Participants are expected to have had actual work exposure related to capital markets and fixed-income securities.

Resource Speakers

Jonathan Ravelas

Jonathan Ravelas

Lester Joseph Castolo

Lester Joseph Castolo

Atty. Julio Bucoy

Atty. Julio Bucoy

Atty. Ricardo Pilares III

Atty. Ricardo Pilares III

Veronica Arce-Balisi

Veronica Arce-Balisi

Mari Toni Bautista

Mari Toni Bautista

Antonino Nakpil

Antonino Nakpil

Coverage and Schedule


Virtual via Zoom

Session 1: Economic Principles and Market Theories


Managing Director โ€“ eManagement for Business and Marketing Services

November 7, 2023

Tuesday, 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 pm

This module will start with a brief discussion of ethics and governance as the foundation of the activities of financial market participants. Thereafter, it will delve into the business cycle and key macroeconomic indicators relevant to the capital markets operation. It will also look into the various monetary and fiscal policies and their impact on the securities markets. Macroeconomic, sectoral, and financial market outlook, especially given the current turbulence in the global economy, will also be discussed in this module.

Session 2: Fundamentals of Securities


Treasurer, Child Hope Philippines

Former Chief Financial Officer of PA Alvarez Group of Companies

November 9, 2023

Thursday, 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm

This module will discuss the types of securities (debt, equity, hybrid, and derivatives), investor benefits and rights, and the critical need for customer risk profiling and establishing customer and product suitability. It will distinguish between the different types of markets: domestic vs. global, primary vs. secondary, and OTC vs. exchange trading. It will also introduce participants to bond and common share valuation and the factors affecting interest rates and share prices.

Session 3: Securities Markets & Regulations


President, Cocolife Asset Management Company, Inc.

Partner, Yebra De Jesus Loon Law Office 

November 14, 2023

Tuesday, 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm

This module will describe the role of the different market participants: the issuers, investors, underwriters, exchanges, registry, custodian, depository, and regulators. It will cover pertinent government regulations and the taxation of interest and dividend incomes and trading gains. It will also present the concept of pooled funds. Insights on current events on alleged securities violations and how regulators have addressed these will also be discussed.

Session 4: Corporate Governance


Vice President - Legal, Compliance Officer, Corporate Governance Officer and Corporate Secretary, Metro Pacific Investments Corporation

November 16, 2023

Thursday, 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm



This module will focus on corporate governance particularly among publicly listed companies, registered issuers other regulated entities. It will discuss the responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the rules governing independent directors and tackle governance policies such as conflict of interest, whistleblowing and enterprise-wide risk management. This module will also cover the ASEAN corporate scorecard and integrated annual corporate governance reporting currently required by the SEC.

Session 5: Anti-Money Laundering


Financial Services Partner, SGV

November 21, 2023

Tuesday, 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm



This module will present the basic concepts and fundamentals of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (AML-CTF). It will discuss the different predicate crimes and unlawful activities and the duties and responsibilities of covered persons. The latest occurrences of financial crimes and the implicit impact of AML-CTF policies of covered institutions will also be discussed.

Session 6: Risk Management


Director, Standard Chartered Bank

November 22, 2023

Wednesday, 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm



This module will look into the three levels of risk: known, developing and black swan. It will discuss extensively both financial and non-financial risks. It will also take up the various lines of defenses and risk mitigation tools. Current events, like the pandemic and cybercrime occurrences, and their impact on institutions' risk management actions will also be examined and discussed.


Face-to-face at the WSDC Rooms 1-3 located on the 2nd Floor of SGV Building 1

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM


President & CEO, Philippine Dealing and Exchange Corporation

November 25, 2023

Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm


Session 7: Fixed Income Market Part 1

9:00 AM to 12:00 NN


This module, the first of two parts of a specialized track, will do a deep dive into the fixed income market. It will take an in-depth view of the different types of fixed income securities both peso and foreign currency denominated, the money and capital markets and the various market participants. It will discuss at length the factors affecting interest rates as well as the taxation of interest and discount and capital gains. It will also cover credit analysis with focus on the major financial ratios. This module will also examine current developments especially how macroeconomic numbers influence monetary policy actions of the BSP and how such actions impact the market in the country.

Session 8: Fixed Income Market Part 2

1:30 PM to 5:30 PM

Part 2 of this specialized track will involve a comprehensive review of pertinent regulations primarily on the registration of securities, market professionals and trading markets. It will walk the participants through the fixed income securities issuance, listing and trading, operation of the fixed income exchange, functions and responsibilities of brokers and dealers and bond pricing and valuation. New initiatives on digital bonds' registration, licensing, offering and trading will likewise be discussed.

Course 1 only

P 10,000.00 (Sessions 1-6)

Standard Priceโ‚ฑ10,000

Course 2 only

P 5,000.00 (Sessions 7-8)

Standard Priceโ‚ฑ5,000

Course 1 & 2 (Bundled)

P 12,000.00 (Sessions 1-8)

Standard Priceโ‚ฑ12,000


Contact Us

Sarah Hazel Parapara

Viber: +63999-520-9667