ZIHRM is delighted to extend an invitation to you for our upcoming workshop, "HR practitioners: "Are you up to date with the current judicial guidance on medical discharge and dismissal of employees under the new law?" at the Lake Kariba Inns in Siavonga, from Thursday 27th June to Friday, 28th June 2024.
Some of the Topics will include the following:
· Summary Dismissal under the new Employment Code : latest Judicial guidance
· Medical Discharge - Latest Developments
· Contents of Medical Reports- What HR practitioners must know
· HR Managers- Can you secretly phone your Employee's Doctor to confirm his illness?
· The right to be heard under the new law
The facilitator will be Mr. James Kalokoni, who is a Legal practitioner in Employment Law and advocate of the High Court and Supreme Court of Zambia.
Attached herewith is a copy of the Invitation Letter for your reference. We hope to see you there!
For Reservations, Please contact us on 0979480513 or 0955 404075.