Event Details
Many Belgian companies and individuals are keen to immigrate to S.A., be it to start their own business, to join their current employer or simply to come enjoy the quality of life that SA has to offer.
Immigration needs to be considered carefully from a tax and visa perspective. Although relatively open to attract EU residents, South Africa has a fiscal policy that might impact your tax status at home. Similarly, the visa regime, with a new Minister in place since last year July, is constantly changing and to understand its intricacies when planning your move to S.A. is essential.
The purpose of this webinar is to give our members and any potential Belgian investors the keys to unlock the legal framework of investing in SA, so that they can prepare their move to South Africa in the best conditions.
- Welcome, opening of session and presentation of speakers by BCCSA and CBL-ACP
- Tax immigration by Beztforex
Tax residency
Exchange control
How to secure your investment in SA?
Leaving SA
- Visa regulations update by Fragomen
Latest trends in immigration, in Africa and South Africa
S.A. investors' visa prerogatives
Permanent residency
- Q & A session