We all have seen the signs of change; Cash Not Accepted–Credit & Debit Cards Only. As you witness this trend and work to position your company for the rest of this decade and beyond, you might be asking yourself, Now What? The focus of the 2025 IACOA Annual Conference is to uncover what you need to know and what you need to do to allow your business to grow. Join us as IACOA Drives The Industry Towards Alternative Revenue Streams.
All directors, Officers, and Committee Members are required to attend; RMs, AMs, ROMs in good standing are invited. The meeting will be held in the Firenze Room, located on the 2nd floor conference level.
This year, instead of a shooting competition, we will visit Range 702 where we can shoot unique firearms we most likely never have, from handguns to automatic weapons, and have lunch at the facility. From there we will take a behind the scenes tour of the new Allegiant Stadium, home to the Las Vegas Raiders, and return to the hotel around 2:30 PM.
The Cocktail Reception will be held in the Florentine Ballroom Foyer at 6:00 PM and transition into the Exhibit Hall at 6:30 PM. Name Badges are required to attend all functions and sessions.
The Cocktail Reception will transition to the Exhibit Hall at 6:30 PM and include Exhibit Viewing.
Exhibit Hall open and Breakfast Served. Sponsored by TBD.
President Rachel Johnson will welcome you to the 52nd Annual IACOA Networking Conference. As is IACOA tradition, microphones will be passed to each attendee and they will be asked to stand and take a few seconds to state their name, the company they represent, the services their company offers, and the territories served.
Frank Calabrese Jr. is a former mobster and author of Operation Family Secrets. He will tell the story of his family dysfunction, a criminal life of loansharking, murder, and bookmaking; and how and why from prison he became an FBI informant that brought the Chicago Outfit Family down.
After a robbery or embezzlement, we feel like victims who need time and help to recover from a monetary loss, and sometimes worse yet, an employee injury or a loss of life. But this is just the beginning. For the perpetrators to be caught, and if caught, to be successfully prosecuted and convicted, law enforcement needs us to give them the tools and documentation to help them do their job. Nobody knows your business like you do, and it's our job to educate. Our presenter will provide us with a blueprint of how to prepare your case so everyone from detectives to city attorneys, judges and juries can follow the sequence of events and understand the crime that has been committed.
Always a bit chaotic and the room filled with energy, vendors get two (2) minutes to introduce and sell themselves to each RM & ROM company. This is an opportunity to quickly learn what each vendor does and decide if their product or service is of interest, and if so, visit their booth after lunch.
Lunch will be served in the Florentine Foyer and Ballroom CD
Exhibitors will be at their booths ready to demonstrate their products or services and answer any questions you may have. Please be sure to visit each booth, and even if you have no need for a particular exhibitor's offerings, be sure to thank them for their support through their sponsorships.
As the frequency of armored pickups slows with the continued adoption of smart safes, cash recyclers and ATMs, you won't want to miss out on the revenue generated by providing sales, placement, and service of those very machines. Learn how your peers have aggressively pursued these alternative revenue streams and enabled the continued growth of their businesses.
Presented by: Steve Morss, COO, Empyreal Logistics & Dallas Barr, V.P. Operations, Total Armored Car.
Beer, wine and cocktails will be served in the Exhibit Hall among the exhibit booths.
Exhibit Hall open and Breakfast Served. Sponsored by TBD.
This session is an update from Fed Cash Services about the latest cash trends, cash visibility progress, and business resilience efforts.
Our presenter will explain how Jackpotting is done on ATMs and Smart Safes, and provide real-life examples of losses.
Smart Safe manufacturers will discuss the current state of the market and the latest tech being applied to this segment. Moderated by Steve Morss.
Lunch will be served in the Florentine Foyer and Ballroom CD
Exhibitors will be at their booths ready to demonstrate their products or services and answer any questions you may have. Please be sure to visit each booth, and even if you have no need for a particular exhibitor's offerings, be sure to thank them for their support through their sponsorships.
Steve Morss, COO, Empyreal Logistics & Robin Miles, CEO, ATM Solutions, will each show a real-time tracking demo of their vehicles and their liability while using different hardware and software solutions.
Our panel will include representatives from Cash Connect, Namsys, Morphis, and Fifth Third Bank. This session will be moderated by Dallas Barr & Steve Morss.
Returning for a third straight year, Ask A Veteran round-tables will include Contracts; Jackpotting; Building A Case; Tracking Technology; and State Licensing. The Veterans will be Andre YaDeau; Robin Miles; Steve Morss; Kyle Patterson; and a panelist from the Tracking Technology session.
Tonight's cocktail reception will start in the Exhibit Hall and will pause at 6:00 PM for a short motor coach ride to Swingers Crazy Golf at Mandalay Bay. At Swingers we will continue the reception, play a round of indoor golf, and have dinner at this latest Las Vegas attraction. This is an expensive event and an upcharge applies. You must register to attend this event.
Tonight's cocktail reception will start in the Exhibit Hall and will pause at 6:00 PM for a short motor coach ride to Swingers Crazy Golf at Mandalay Bay. At Swingers we will continue the reception, play a round of indoor golf, and have dinner at this latest Las Vegas attraction. This is an expensive event and an upcharge applies. You must register to attend this event.
This is the first of two opportunities to setup your exhibit booth in Florentine C/D. The Exposition company will have already erected your pipe and draped area, and if you have shipped your booth or materials to them, your shipment will be in place.
Exhibit Booth setup must be completed by 5:00 PM
Exhibit Hall viewing is from 6:30 PM through 7:30 PM. All exhibit booths must be staffed during this viewing session.
Exhibit Setup preparation for viewing at 7:30 AM.
AM Director Mike Salzillo will lead Associate Members in a Sound-off session at which AMs may discuss all things IACOA. In addition, he will conduct elections to fill two (2) Board seats; the first is a voting director seat, and the second is for a non-voting director seat, each for a term of two (2) years. Only AMs may attend this session and there is only one (1) vote per member company.
Exhibit Setup preparation for viewing at 7:30 AM.
This is the first of two opportunities for exhibitors to tear down their booths and package them for shipment. The second opportunity is Friday morning, from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM; the drayage company will be on hand Friday morning to accept your shipments. We must return the ballroom to the hotel at noon on Friday.
This is the second opportunity for exhibitors to teardown their booths; the drayage company will be on hand Friday morning to accept your shipments. We must return the ballroom to the hotel at noon on Friday.
Please pickup your registration bag and name badge. Remember that you will need your name badge to attend all functions and session.
Please pickup your registration bag and name badge. Remember that you will need your name badge to attend all functions and session.
If you haven't already done so, please pickup your registration bag and name badge. Remember that you will need your name badge to attend all functions and session.
Cite Armored will reveal its latest armored options and chassis/vehicle availability.
Platinum Sponsor private sessions are for all RM & ROM attendees only–no vendors and will take place in Florentine E/F
Secure Products will demonstrate its newest product innovations and their applications for improved efficiency within your workplace.
Platinum Sponsor private sessions are for all RM & ROM attendees only–no vendors and will take place in Florentine E/F
Cambli Group will showcase its latest product and service developments and provide its current lead time for new vehicles.
Platinum Sponsor private sessions are for all RM & ROM attendees only–no vendors and will take place in Florentine E/F
Platinum Sponsor Private Session TBA
Platinum Sponsor private sessions are for all RM & ROM attendees only–no vendors and will take place in Florentine E/F
President Rachel Johnson will conduct the RM & ROM elections to fill vacant director seats on the Board of Directors. Only RMs & ROMs may attend, and there is only one (1) vote per member company. Directors elected at this session will be seated at the closing Board of Directors meeting on Thursday afternoon and must be present.
The Board will seat the newly elected Directors, it will consider the President's slate of committees and committee members, and discuss the annual conference now coming to a close.
Member Price
Early Bird Registration Ends 02/21/2025
Member Price
Early Bird Registration Ends 02/21/2025
Member Price
A Silver Booth includes one (1) 8' x 10' Pipe & Drape Booth; one (1) Attendee Pass; a quarter page ad in the printed program; all additional passes after booth purchase are at the then prevailing rate. Silver booths are available through March 29. 2025, at 23:55 PM, unless previously sold out.
Member Price
After purchasing a Silver Booth, you may register one Attendee using your one (1) Attendee Pass at no additional cost.
Member Price
After Purchasing a Silver Booth and using the one (1) Silver free pass, register additional attendees here.
Member Price
A Gold Booth includes one (1) 8' x 10' Pipe & Drape Booth; two (2) Attendee Passes; a half page ad in the printed program; all additional passes after booth purchase are at the then prevailing rate. Gold booths are available through April 18, 2025, at 23:55 PM, unless previously sold out.
Member Price
After purchasing a Gold Booth, you may register two Attendees using your two (2) Attendee Passes at no additional cost.
Member Price
After Purchasing a Gold Booth and using the two (2) Gold free passes, register additional attendees here.
Member Price
A Platinum Booth includes one (1) 10' x 20' Pipe & Drape Booth; three (3) Attendee Passes; a full-page ad in the printed program; all additional passes after booth purchase are at the then prevailing rate. Platinum booths are available through April 18, 2025, at 23:55 PM, unless previously sold out.
Member Price
After purchasing a Platinum Booth, you may register three Attendees using your three (3) Attendee Passes at no additional cost.
Member Price
After Purchasing a Platinum Booth and using the three (3) Platinum free passes, register additional attendees here.
Member Price
After an exhibit booth has been purchased and the included attendee pass(es) have been registered, if the AM booth purchaser member requires additional AM passes for its company employees, then they may be purchased here. Only AMs who have already purchased a booth may buy this ticket.
Member Price
Registration requires submission of an application and prior approval by the Administrator to register for the conference. Only RMs & ROMs may qualify to attend a conference as a Prospective Member.
Member Price
Guest registrants include Speakers, Underwriters, and other select individuals. All individuals who request attendance at an annual conference must first obtain approval by the Administrator before they may register.
2025 Keynote Speaker at The Mob and Law Enforcement Museum
More Information
Platinum Sponsors are the biggest supporters of IACOA and receive these benefits: a 10' x 20' booth; best booth placement; a full-page ad in the printed program; and a private breakout for operators only.