This work illustrates how you can apply quantile process regression (QPR) methods to perform causal inferences. QPR builds the probability distribution model for a response variable conditional on explanatory covariates by fitting quantile regression models in the entire quantile-level range from 0 to 1. For treatment-control comparison studies, you can use QPR to predict counterfactual distribution of the treatment response (that counterfactually assumes the treatment-group subjects were not receiving the treatments) by scoring the fitted distribution model of the control-group response on the treatment covariates.
Because QPR estimates the entire response distribution, you can then evaluate treatment effects and subjects-selection bias by using a variety of statistical standards such as mean difference, median different, Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U score, and so on. In addition, when mediation is involved, QPR can also predict the distributions of the mediation variables and perform causal mediation analysis. The work uses two real-data studies to illustrate the QPR causal inference methods. The first example analyzes the impact of smoking on newborn body weights, and the second example evaluates the employment-and-salary effect of the 1975-1979 National Supported Work Demonstration project.
More Information
Dr. Yonggang Yao is a Principal Research Statistician Developer at SAS. He joined SAS in 2008 after obtaining his PhD degree in statistics from Ohio State University. Dr. Yao has developed the QUANTSELECT and QTRSELECT procedures for quantile regression model selection in standard and distributed computing environments. He is also the key supporting developer for two other SAS procedures: PROC QUANTREG for quantile regression and PROC ROBUSTREG for robust regression. Dr. Yao has presented talks, short courses, and tutorials on quantile regression applications at SAS Global Forum conferences, ASA Joint Statistical Meetings, ASA Traveling Courses, and other meetings.
Title: Counterfactual Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data Using Quantile Process Regression
Presenter: Dr Yonggang Yao, SAS Institute, Inc.