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Event Details

The Royal Thai Embassy will be organizing the Webinar to introduce a flagship project of Eastern Economic Corridor, Digital Park Thailand (EECd), the dream destination for global digital players and innovators in developing digital technology. With pioneered testbeds, state-of-the-art digital technologies, Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence, our high-tech facilities are fully capable of making businesses thrive.

The primary aim of this webinar is to inform the Dutch business community of the opportunities that EECd has to offer. At this forum, EECd representatives will inform the audience on the opportunities and benefits of the EECd. Moreover, you will have an opportunity to listen to Dutch businessmen who will share their experiences and thoughts in doing business in Thailand.

๐Ÿ“… Date : 15 September 2021

๐Ÿ•’ Time : 15:00 - 16:30 (BKK time)

๐Ÿ“ Via: Zoom webinar

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15.00 โ€“ 15.10 hrs.

Opening Remarks by H.E. Mr. Chatri Archjananun, Ambssador of Thailand

15.10 โ€“ 15.20 hrs.

"The future is here" โ€“ Virtual tor of Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) and EEC-Digital

15.20 โ€“ 15.30 hrs.

"Why EEC-Digital?" โ€“ Support policy and package by Dr. Kanate Wangpaichitar, Assisstant Secretary General of EEC, Industrial Promotional zone and Digital Innovation

15.30 โ€“ 15.40 hrs.

Perspective from a representative of SEO Amsterdam Economics: Opportunities in Thailand and EEC

15.40 โ€“ 16.10 hrs.

Panel discussion: private/corporate perspective and expectation: moderated by Mr. Hans van den Born, Executive Director of Netherlands-Thailand Chamber of Commerce (NTCC)

โ€“ Mr. Jan Pieter Eggebeen, former Chairman and CEO of Philips Electronics Co., Ltd. (2004-2007)

โ€“ Mr Remko Vleesch Dubois, CEO of Kirloskar Brothers (Thailand) Limited

โ€“ Mr. Frank van Baal, Regional Director Asia-Pacific of ZI-ARGUS Ltd.

16.10 โ€“ 16.30 hrs.


Sep 15, 2021

15:00 - 16:30 GMT+7

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