Course Overview

This Arbitration Skills Training Course is accredited by the National Commercial Arbitration Centre (NCAC) and meet educational training requirements for registration of arbitrators in Cambodia.

The course will provide you with knowledge and practical skills to become an effective arbitrator who is capable of dealing with all types of commercial disputes. You will obtain a complete arbitration experience including case management, decision making process and drafting arbitral award, and participation in mock arbitration. The NCAC aims to achieve a business environment where business communities access to an efficient commercial dispute resolution mechanism, in particular through arbitration service. This Arbitration Skills Training Course was initially developed with support from the IFC (World Bank Group) in order to build knowledge and skills to train future arbitrators and arbitration practitioners to effectively and efficiently resolve commercial disputes. The curriculum was designed to deepen understanding of arbitration and its legal framework, as well as to build skills necessary for arbitrators to conduct arbitration successfully and effectively, including techniques to draft effective and enforceable arbitral award and opportunity to participate in mock arbitration. The course is open to all individuals, who are willing to deepen their knowledge of arbitration and intend to pursue a career in arbitration. Those who wish to handle advocacy role in arbitration will also find the course useful.


  • Jul 16, 2022

  • Jul 17, 2022

  • Jul 23, 2022

  • Jul 24, 2022

  • Jul 30, 2022

  • Jul 31, 2022

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Overview of Arbitration in the Context of Dispute Resolution
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Coffee Break
10:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Fundamental Principles of Arbitration
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch Break
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Legal Framework & Arbitration Rules
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Coffee Break
3:15 PM - 5:00 PM
Arbitration Agreement


  • San Kiri (President at National Commercial Arbitration Centre (NCAC))

    San Kiri

    President at National Commercial Arbitration Centre (NCAC)

    Mr. San Kiri is a President and Commercial Arbitrator of National Commercial Arbitration Centre of the Kingdom of Cambodia (NCAC). He is also a Lecturer in Alternative Dispute Resolution and International Commercial Arbitration in English Language Based Bachelor of Laws (ELBBL) of Royal University of Law and Economics. Further, he has been practicing in commercial and corporate, real estate, and banking and finance in a leading law firm in Cambodia over seven years. He has a particular expertise in banking and finance law, corporate and commercial law, land law, contract law, investment law, secured transaction law and commercial arbitration law. Prior to this, he has obtained a Bachelor of Computer Science (B.Sc.) from Royal University of Phnom Penh and Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) from Royal University of Law and Economics and Master of Commercial Law (LL.M) from the University of Melbourne, Australia.

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  • Youdy Bun (Managing Partner at Bun & Associates)

    Youdy Bun

    Managing Partner at Bun & Associates

    Mr. BUN Youdy is the Managing Partner of Bun & Associates, a board member of European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham), and the former President of the National Commercial Arbitration Centre (NCAC). He leads the Corporate, Banking & Finance and Commercial Litigation practices of the firm. He is one of the first commercial arbitrators admitted to the NCAC and a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators. He has been consistently ranked a leading lawyer (first tier) in Cambodia by International Financial Law Review (IFLR 1000), Chambers & Partners and Asialaw Profiles.

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  • Sovath Phin (Partner/Attorney-at-law at Bun & Associates)

    Sovath Phin

    Partner/Attorney-at-law at Bun & Associates

    Mr. PHIN Sovath is a Partner at Bun & Associates and Former Vice-President of the NCAC. He is one of the first selected commercial arbitrators in Cambodia and has become a member of the National Commercial Arbitration Centre (NCAC) and a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitration (SIArb). He leads intellectual property and co-leads corporate and dispute resolution practice groups. He has extensive legal background and a strong experience in market entry and investment, business establishment, corporate governance and compliance, corporate restructuring, and mergers and acquisitions. He has taught various business-law related subjects, including corporate and intellectual property law.

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  • ANSELMO T. REYES (Independent Arbitrator & Former Judge of the Hong Kong High Court)


    Independent Arbitrator & Former Judge of the Hong Kong High Court

    Dr. Anselmo Reyes is currently a Professor of Legal Practice in the Faculty of Law at the University of Hong Kong and an active practitioner in commercial arbitration. He was appointed as a Judge of the Court of First Instance in Hong Kong and served in that capacity from 2003 to 2012. As a Judge, his specialisation was construction, arbitration, commercial and admiralty matters. He is also on the arbitrators panel of National Commercial Arbitration Centre (NCAC).
    He obtained A.B. in Economics from the Harvard University, and BA, LLM and PhD in Law from Cambridge University.
    The training course starts on 30 April 2022.

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  • JOHNNY TAN CHENG HYE (Independent Arbitrator & Advisory Board Member, NCAC)


    Independent Arbitrator & Advisory Board Member, NCAC

    Mr. Johnny Tan Cheng Hye was appointed as a sole arbitrator in over 100 cases in both domestic and international arbitration. He is on the panel of arbitrators of several arbitration centers including: NCAC (Cambodia), SIAC (Singapore), HKIAC (Hong Kong), DIAC (Dubai), SCIA (China), KLRCA (Malaysia), LCIA (England) and many more. He is also a member of the Advisory Council of the National Commercial Arbitration Centre (NCAC) in Cambodia and was the former President of Singapore Institute of Arbitrators from 2007 to 2011. Besides having more than 30 years of experience in Arbitration, he is also an accredited adjudicator and an experienced mediator as well.

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