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  • Oct



Main Schedule

30 min

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SESSION ONE :: Winning the software investment race
Building digital products and services requires a heavy investment in creating s...
RFRoger Ford
85 min

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SESSION TWO :: Financial modelling to better inform business decisions
Startups have to make critical decisions constantly about the direction of their...
FFFiona Foster
90 min

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90 min
SESSION THREE :: Navigating and managing near failure
A startup's path to growth and success is never a straight line and is more...
80 min

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SESSION FOUR :: Speed Dating
This session is always a bit of fun and is a great way for founders to practice ...
60 min

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Wednesday Oct. 11 - 09:30 - 10:00 (30 min)

SESSION ONE :: Winning the software investment race

Wednesday Oct. 11 - 10:00 - 11:25 (85 min)

Building digital products and services requires a heavy investment in creating software IP. That intellectual property is the engine that powers the success of your venture. But the market success of products and services is only half the story.

The other race is to grow an organisation that can produce competitive software before the money runs out. This race never ends, and so the organisation has to navigate all the uncertainties and opportunities along the way. Roger Ford will explore the five critical success factors to consider when investing in digital products and services.

Wednesday Oct. 11 - 11:25 - 11:30 (5 min)

SESSION TWO :: Financial modelling to better inform business decisions

Wednesday Oct. 11 - 11:30 - 13:00 (90 min)

Startups have to make critical decisions constantly about the direction of their business and the opportunities they pursue or decline to drive the growth they want to achieve. There can be an overload of data points and information supporting the pros and cons of each business decision.

Financial modelling used effectively can provide insights that help startups with critical business decisions and growth strategies. Fiona Foster from Movac will take us through an interactive session to share tips and tricks she has learned about how to develop a meaningful financial forecast and how to best utilise the data at hand for your business. This session will also be useful for investors who want to scrutinise startup financial models.


Wednesday Oct. 11 - 13:00 - 14:30 (90 min)

SESSION THREE :: Navigating and managing near failure

Wednesday Oct. 11 - 14:30 - 15:50 (80 min)

A startup's path to growth and success is never a straight line and is more accurately described as a roller coaster! In every company’s life, there are near misses that need to be navigated without giving up on growth aspirations.

In this session we will share insights from founders who have experienced everything from speed wobbles to completely crashing out and needing to regroup again as quickly as possible. We will talk about the strategies and tactics they now use to help navigate these times and how investors can best support founders and their teams through those moments.


Wednesday Oct. 11 - 15:50 - 16:00 (10 min)

SESSION FOUR :: Speed Dating

Wednesday Oct. 11 - 16:00 - 17:00 (60 min)

This session is always a bit of fun and is a great way for founders to practice their elevator pitch! Although you needn't feel compelled to pitch!! It's totally fine to just get to know the person across the table from you. Each founder gets three minutes with an investor before they need to move on. This allows you to meet everyone in the room for a quick chat!
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