高級極限飛盤訓練證書課程 2024 Advanced Ultimate Training Course 2024

對象 Target: 15歲或以上 15 years old or above

費用 Fee: $100/ 4堂 $100/ 4 classes

課程要求 Course Requirement:

Have completed the Ultimate Intermediate Training Course.


現正接受報名 Admitting Now

課程編號 Course code: UA2402

Date 日期: 7/9, 14/9, 20/9, 27/9/2024

Time 時間: 15:00-18:00 (7, 14/9), 20:00-23:00 (20, 27/9)

Venue 地點: Happy Valley Recreation Ground Fld4 跑馬地遊樂場四號場

已截止報名 Closed

課程編號 Course code: UA2401

日期 Date: 日期 Date: 11/5,18/5,25/5,1/6/2024

時間 Time: 1600-1900

地點 Venue: 跑馬地遊樂場6號 Happy Valley Recreation Ground Pitch 6



Participants MUST complete the 4 days of classes to receive the course certificate.


Participants who have previously attended the Advanced Ultimate Training Course is not eligible to register again for the same course.


All fees are non-refundable. HKFDF will provide a full refund within 14 business days, if during the registration process, it is decided the course does not have enough participants needed to proceed.


Payment is only accepted via credit card. Please contact us if you cannot pay with a credit card.



  1. 參加者必須填寫姓名、電郵及聯絡電話
  2. 參加者必須提供英文全名(名字將印於證書上)

Please note the following point:

  1. Please fill in all the information about the participant (name, email, and contact no. )
  2. Please provide your full name in English (it will appear on the certificates )
  • UA2402

    HKD 100.-

    課程編號 Course code: UA2402
    Date 日期: 7/9, 14/9, 20/9, 27/9/2024
    Time 時間: 15:00-18:00 (7, 14/9), 20:00-23:00 (20, 27/9)
    Venue 地點: Happy Valley Recreation Ground Fld4 跑馬地遊樂場四號場

    Buy Ticket
  • 【已截止報名 Closed】(Code: UA2401) Advanced Ultimate Training Course

    HKD 100.-

    日期 Date: 日期 Date: 11/5,18/5,25/5,1/6/2024
    時間 Time: 1600-1900
    地點 Venue: 跑馬地遊樂場6號 Happy Valley Recreation Ground Pitch 6

    Buy Ticket