Trademark Group of Companies

Trademark Group was founded with the foresight of understanding the strategic importance of businesses diversifying their customer base, investments and overall global outlook.

As the premier bridge between the Australian market, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and the broader MENAT Region, we are the go-to platform for businesses to grow and explore each other’s environments with investment, procurement and development opportunities.

By advising businesses that want to expand their horizons, we ensure they have the support required for a soft landing in ever-flourishing economies. Trademark Group is about creating partnerships and providing opportunities. Be a part of a unique business alliance.

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Concierge Trademark Group

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Event Details

Join us for an exclusive corporate event hosted by Wayne Herbert, a distinguished Trademark member and CEO of Ai Assets. We are thrilled to present Trademark's August Webinar, a thought-provoking session designed to explore the transformative potential of AI in the property and construction sector.

Wayne Herbert, an industry leader, will take center stage to delve into the strategic utilisation of AI for companies operating in these sectors. His insights will guide attendees on harnessing the power of AI to enhance operations and drive innovation.

Moreover, Wayne will seamlessly integrate his expertise with the visionary perspectives of John Sherman and Luke Anslow. Together, they will unveil collaborative endeavors that push the boundaries of conventional thinking. This dynamic trio aims to ignite fresh ideas and inspire attendees to envision new horizons.

Mark your calendars and secure your spot for this impactful corporate event. Prepare to be enlightened, engaged, and motivated to explore novel avenues of growth and success. Your presence is vital as we embark on a journey to reimagine possibilities and drive business excellence forward.


Wayne Herbert (CEO of AI Assets)

Wayne Herbert

CEO of AI Assets

Trademark August Webinar

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