AMCHAM Sri Lanka presents the second installment of the 'Modern Workplace' series for 2019 titled: "Empowering the Female Workforce".
The AmCham's Modern Workplace series explores how dynamic organisational styles and priorities creates the need for new company needs and strategic priorities. This is the second event in this series. The first was titled, 'Wellness at the Workplace' and was held in February 2019.
The keynote address will be delivered by Her Excellency Alaina B. Teplitz, U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Maldives.
This session will focus on the following key elements:
Despite being a middle income country, and having exemplary social development levels when compared to its regional peers, Sri Lanka has one of the lowest rates of female participation in the workforce in the world - World Bank
Building workplaces that embrace gender equity and commit to gender smart initiatives by looking at non-discriminatory policies, improving access to part time work, providing child care etc.
Empowering women and their economic empowerment
Best practices and case studies of companies that have adopted gender smart solutions
This event will feature an interactive panel discussion with industry experts.