Apr 29, 2023
1682755200Asian Tigers Group is a leading provider of international relocation services delivering comprehensive mobility solutions tailored to suit each client's needs.
https://www.asiantigersgroup.com/locations/philippines/Eastern Communications is a Telco and ICT Solutions company that provides an extensive portfolio of services that include Data Services, Internet Services, Voice Services, Managed Services, Data Center, and Cloud Services and Cyber Defense Services.
We are the first communications service provider in the Philippines when we were commissioned by the Spanish Government to provide the country’s first telegraphic services.
Over a century later, we have evolved into a full-service provider of world-class telecommunications services. We continue to be the solutions partner of choice for the biggest industry players in the country.
We take pride in being the first Philippines telecommunications company to receive the ISO 9001:2015 mark for our business operations. This recognition shows our ability to deliver cutting-edge products with service that’s unwavering, unflagging, and undeniably strong.
A leading provider of medical plans in the Philippines, and they're #HereForYou you to protect what is most precious to you. Pacific Cross offers a wide range of health benefits such as coverage for hospital confinement, out-patient treatment, emergencies, viral illnesses including COVID-19, among many others. Send them an e-mail via info@pacificcross.com.ph.
https://www.pacificcross.com.ph/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8MvU7bHT6QIVUbaWCh0nJgT7EAAYASAAEgIRwfD_BwE#homeThe Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) is a government owned and controlled corporation created by virtue of Executive Order No. 1037, signed by former President Ferdinand E. Marcos on 04 July 1985. On 31 August 2001, through Executive Order No. 26, the control and supervision of PRA was transferred to the Board of Investments (BOI) – Department of Trade and Industry from the Office of the President.
On 12 May 2009, Republic Act No. 9593, otherwise known as Tourism Act of 2009, PRA became an attached agency of the Department of Tourism and placed under the supervision of the Secretary.
PRA is mandated to develop and promote the Philippines as retirement haven as a means of accelerating the social and economic development of the country, strengthening its foreign exchange position at the same time providing further best quality of life to the targeted retirees in a most attractive package.
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