Event Details

Join us as we chart a new path for connecting, engaging, and promoting this 2022!

ANZCHAM Philippines will be holding its Annual General Meeting for 2022 this coming 8 March, 4:00 p.m. via Zoom, with Ambassador Steven J Robinson AO of the Australian Embassy and Ambassador Peter Kell of the New Zealand Embassy joining us for an On-the-Couch Session. ANZCHAM members in good standing will also be electing a new slate of Directors during this event.

Register now!


Notice of AGM 2022.pdfdownload
Proxy Form 2022.pdfdownload


ANZCHAM Corporate Sponsors

Unlimited slots available for members and employees of ANZCHAM's Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Corporate Sponsors

Standard Price Complimentary

Two (2) complimentary tickets for every ANZCHAM Member company in good standing

Standard Price Complimentary
Non-Member/ Guest

Available to participants who are not members of the Chamber

Standard Price ₱500
Additional attendee of an ANZCHAM Member

This is available for ANZCHAM Members who would like to get additional tickets on top of their complimentary slots.

Standard Price ₱500