Event Details


  • How Generations Play into interpersonal communication styles and teaming
  • How to attract younger generations into the construction industry
  • Discover your "why" exercise.
  • This supports each individual in the room in learning how to story tell the importance of their roles to enhance communication and engagement across the spectrum of generations in the workforce. We will tie their personal Why to the Mission, Vision and Values of their own organization.
  • Why understanding behavior is critical to interpersonal communication
  • Overview of how understand behavior will support better work product and profits.
  • Team building exercise
  • House of Cards โ€“ Group will break into teams to build a "house of cards". This serves as a real life simulation of why team building is so challenging and sets the stage for the work around individual, relational and team behavior.
  • Predictive Index Exercise (typically an area that can get CPE Credit)
  • Self - Self Manage and increase your own productivity
  • Relationships- Optimize individuals you lead and improve your communication
  • Team & Organization โ€“ Learn what makes a team tick so they can get growing quicker.
  • Discussion around the "5 Dysfunctions of a team framework" โ€“ This will give the group a framework to bring back to their organization and teams.
  • Conflict Management Suggestions & Exercise

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