In recent years, the link between human rights and the environment has gained increased traction, together with the escalating global expectations that businesses need to act responsibly to minimise their contribution to potential future climate change.
In addition, the health, social and economic crisis caused by COVID-19 is "fast becoming a human rights crisis." Consequently, responsible business conduct is becoming ever more important, which is in turn increasing the risk of reputational and potentially legal damage. Restarting the economic recovery will require business leaders to innovate and build back better, especially on a smart climate path.
Labour-intensive manufacturing has enabled hazardous working environments, exploitation, and other rights violations with long term implications on the stability and prosperity of individuals, families and communities.
Human rights abuses in factories, in the food and fisheries sectors and plantations have given rise to contentious debates over social values and the role of trade in supporting or undermining those values. Many international companies sourcing from the region have been exposed to negative media spotlight and scrutiny.
Furthermore, robust, comprehensive and binding chapters on Trade and Sustainable Development, covering labour and environmental matters relevant to trade relations, are a fundamental part of most new Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) that the bilateral nations have concluded or negotiating with its trade partners.
The business case for the corporate sector to prioritize the right to a healthy environment is becoming part and parcel of their corporate policies and strategies towards ensuring responsible and sustainable business practices.
In this webinar, our esteemed speakers will share with us the regulatory aspects of Business and Human Rights, from global perspectives, regional perspectives to local perspectives. We will also have speakers from different business sectors share about the challenges and opportunities in corporate responsibility in the respect and remedy of human rights and the environment.