Event Details

Join us for a candlelight dinner with the waahine & takataapui candidates of the Maaori Ward By-Election in Kirikiriroa.

With Melaina Huaki standing down, we would love to see that the next successful candidate is waahine or takataapui to continue uplifting the aspirations of marginalized groups in ways that create strong outcomes for the future of everyone.

When you book your seat at the table, you will get to meet the candidates personally. You will meet each candidate and share intimate koorero through a series of 'meet and greets' (where you will have the oppourtunity to koorero with candidates in a small group) alongside beautiful dinner & shared puurakau and matauranga centered around kai, whakawhanaungatanga and koorero.

This space is inclusive of all and is open for tautoko from everyone (regardless of your gender or ethnicity).

Join us where we can all have a seat at the tepu.

Kia Ora

Date: 1st August

Time: 6pm-8pm

Where: Hive 11 (11a Somerset Street Frankton Hamilton)