Collaboration is the key for the survival of the human race. Think about it. Societies that collaborate well and values compassion last longer than those that thrive on conflict and competition. And this skill is even more crucial in our VUCA world where no one person or group can have all the answers to complicated problems like climate change, pandemics and cyber-attacks. As such, helping our children learn to collaborate is probably the most important lesson we can give them.
We are so grateful to have Dr. Petunia Lee from THE COLLABORATION CORNER come share with us her experience helping children learn to MANAGE others and selves with EMPATHY.
Dr. Pet has been doing this for a long time. She has a PhD in Business Studies, specializing in the science of Human Motivation. For many years, she researched and consulted in organizational psychology; focusing on issues of Human Motivation. But in 2010, she left the industry to focus on helping her son, who was then struggling with self-esteem and motivation himself. Dr. Pet decided to stop helping managers to motivate employees and threw her all into motivating her son. In the process, she discovered many of the strategies she was teaching managers could be used on children too. She has since authored a book "Internal Drive Theoryยฎ: Motivate your child to WANT to study" which documents 11 different motivation strategies, each inspired by an established stream of research in the field of Human Motivation. Dr. Pet now runs The Collaboration Corner, offering The EQ Generative Protocolยฉ, a proprietary EQ and leadership development program. Dr. Pet's approach is distinctive in its 2-pronged holistic approach. The holistic approach pairs parent coaching (where necessary) with classes, to deliver results.
More information on Dr. Pet and the work she does, please check out :
Sep 26, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM GMT+8
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