Embark on a colorful journey around the world by exploring Color Marketing Groupยฎ Key Colors from 2026+ World Color Forecastโข.
Key Colors โ A Short History
In 2011, Color Marketing Groupโฏ(CMG) introduced regional Key Colors for the World Color Forecast. Each year since then, the Regional Forecasts include a Key Color selected during the regional color steering activity.โฏThe regions represented are Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and North America.
Since 2021, instead of a single Key Color for each region, CMG's Executive Committee introduced a compendium of three Key Colors per region.โฏWhile each selected Key Color represents one of the three Color Stories of the Forecast, together they establish a color harmony that works well in combination or as a stand-alone color.
CMG will continue announcing one Key Color known as CMG's "Main Key Color", while the other two colors will be called "Supporting Key Color".โฏOn the printed and digital collaterals, all three colors appear with the same caption, "Key Color".
Key Color Selection Process
The regional Key Color is selected out of the 16 colors included in the Regional Color Forecast. The choice is made based on the dominant color direction of the forecast, the importance of the color family to the forecast, the significance of the specific color to the color direction, and how the color best represents the Color Stories or the general spirit of the stories.
The presentation also features CMG's unique Color Evolution analysis over 4 forecast seasons for each region while shedding light on Color Directions globally.
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Lora Di Fabio is the Design & Development Manager at American Biltrite where she leads the design development of flooring products and marketing materials.
After receiving her BFA (Honours in Graphic Design) from Concordia University, Lora worked at industrial design firms and corporations, where she specialized in colour and graphic applications for consumer products. She has lectured on Colour in Manufacturing at the University of Montreal School of Design where she facilitates a yearly colour forecasting workshop.
Previous to her present position, Lora worked for Bombardier where her team received an Industrial Design Society of America (IDSA) award for their work. Other distinctions include the Advertising Excellence Award from Architectural Record and two recent Good Design awards from the Chicago Athenaeum.
A CMG member since 2006, Lora was recently assiged as North America Liaison and serves on the Board of Directors. She is a long-term member of CMG Color Forecasting Committee. Lora is also a board member of the Colour Research Society of Canada (CRSC).
Mar 26, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EDT)
Zoom details will be sent upon registration.