This course covers supplier selection, contracting and contract management, and provides tools, processes and checklists to plan for the appropriate type, length, content, deliverables and performance measures for contracts. The sourcing and contracting process ensures that the recommendation to award and the associated terms and conditions are approved by key stakeholders and aligned to business needs and requirements.
Plan contracting strategies, motivate and manage suppliers and realize the full benefits of agreed contract terms and conditions
Drive continuous improvement initiatives through contracts and benefit from standard ways of working in sourcing and contracting
Managing service delivery and compliance through contracts and conducting contract and performance reviews
What is the right contract type for my category?
How will different types of contracts impact my category strategy?
How can I influence suppliers to support and adopt my terms?
What benefits sharing mechanisms is suitable?
How do I establish open sharing of information and transparency?
How can I ensure risk is identified and mitigated?
How can I ensure fulfillment of contractual obligations by all parties?
How can I identify opportunities for performance improvement?
What performance measures should be established?
What needs to be considered when implementing a new contract?
How will the contract be considered when implementing a new contract?