Event Details
Don't miss the final episode of our HR Series happening this 21 October!
One of the primary challenges brought about by the pandemic has been its impact on the overall well-being of employees. It has affected us in different ways, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or other areas of well-being. Because of this, we've seen organizations give greater focus and importance in supporting its employees in this particular area. While there may not be a one size fits all approach given the unique circumstances of each individual, companies can still help ensure that they are able to provide an environment that promotes and supports employee well-being.
Join us in episode 4 of our HR Series, Employee Well-being: Nurturing Healthy Employees in a Hybrid Workplace, where our highly credible speakers will share best practices in looking after our employees' well-being, particularly in the environment we are now operating in. Happening this 21 October, 2:00-3:30pm, we will discuss the following topics:
- How to Incorporate Employee Well-being Into An Organization's Culture
- Healthy Minds @ Work: Nurturing Healthy Employees in Vibrant Workplaces
- The Science, Art, and Magic in Designing Workspaces
Register now!