South Carolina Ports Authority
200 Ports Authority Drive
Mount pleasant, South Carolina
MASC Business & Nav/Ops meetings (8 am-9 am)
serve as the Maritime Association's monthly membership meeting, inviting all members to network. This meeting includes Association briefings, Federal and State Agency reports, and a brief industry presentation on various topics. The meeting closes with public comments and/or announcements. This is a great place to get to know your community and happenings in and around the port.
This month's NavOps will be our first session of US Coast Guard Cybersecurity Sub-Committee (8-9:00am)
For any questions, please contact: Bryan Johnson
Marine Transportation System Specialist - Cybersecurity
Prevention Dept
Sector Charleston, U.S. Coast Guard
All members are welcome to attend. Please register for this meeting.
Thank you to our meeting sponsor: Wells Fargo
President / CEO of Maritime Association of South Carolina
Executive Director of Charleston Branch Pilots Association
US Deparment of Homeland Security