French Chamber of Commerce and Industry In The Philippines

Established in 1988,the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Philippines Inc.(CCI France-Philippines) is a non profit and self-sustaining organization which belongs to CCI France International network, a worldwide network of 123 French Chambers in 91 countries with over 35,000 member companies.
CCI France Philippines aims to serve its network of 165 member companies to enhance their common interest in business relations between France and the Philippines.

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Event Details



April 16 to May 07, 2021 

5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Meet your French business partner!

Get ready to immerse yourself in learning the culture and language of France. 12 hours in four weeks to learn the basic cultural and linguistic skills to meet a French business partner.

Program Details



Meeting 1: French cocktail or reception

Introduce yourself and your business

Understand a French business card

French cocktail or reception

Meeting 2: Fix an appointment

Asks questions about time and place.

Give a date in French

Agenda and phone calls


Meeting 3: Business meal French etiquette 

Understand a menu in French

Order a meal and wine

French restaurant etiquette


Meeting 4: Launch a meeting

Introduce someone

Locate someone or something in space

Launch professional meeting, on-site or online



Every Friday of the week, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM 

Dates of the classes

April 16, 23, 30 and May 7. 


PHP 3,500 

Sponsors and Partners


Standard Priceโ‚ฑ3,500