“Gainful Employment Reporting Requirements" MAACS Webinar To Be Held 1:00-2:00 PM Eastern Time Join Waitlist Register
Event Details "Gainful Employment Reporting Requirements" is not going to be the usual legal summary of the regulation. Although we will touch briefly on the status of the regulation and litigation trying to stop it, the primary focus of this webinar is to provide schools practical information on how to prepare for and implement the new rule should it actually go into effect this year as currently planned by US Department of Education. Some of the issues to be covered include, but are not limited:
Overview of regulation status and court litigation Timing of reporting Debt cohort periods Wage data cohort periods Other key points in process How to input data Fielding questions Look-back and commentary on past GE Audits Other Tips & Tricks Q&A Speakers
Jeff Arthur Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Chief Information Officer at ECPI University
Jeff Arthur Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Chief Information Officer at ECPI University Jeff has been responsible for higher education financial aid and technology management for 40 years, and has implemented and managed robust higher education technology solutions across all functional areas of ECPI University. Jeff has also served as a primary negotiator in the U.S. Department of Education’s negotiated rulemaking process in the past, including Gainful Employment rulemaking in 2018, and has served and chaired several higher education advisory boards and committees. He is actively involved with legislative, regulatory and Veteran’s education issues and regularly advocates for higher education transparency and career education with all of those constituencies.
Luke Hoey Audit Manager at Mcclintock & Associates
Luke Hoey Audit Manager at Mcclintock & Associates Luke has been with McClintock & Associates for 11 years and is a senior manager in the firm's audit department, where he oversees Title IV compliance audits and consulting projects for schools across various regions and sectors. He is a NASFAA certified financial aid administrator (FAAC) and is a regular participant in both national and regional financial aid conferences. Luke provides clients with a full range of audit and business consulting services related to Title IV compliance, including: • Cash Management • Calculating Awards and Packaging • Student Eligibility and R2T4 • Consumer Information • Gainful Employment Professional Certifications and Affiliations • National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators • Pennsylvania Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Aaron Shenck Executive Director of Mid Atlantic Association Of Career Schools Aaron is now in his 10th year as the Executive Director of MAACS. Prior to this role, he worked for 14 years in Pennsylvania State Government, with a focus on Legislative & Regulatory Affairs, including a specialized focus on education policy. He served for 4 years under the Office of the Governor as a Legislative Secretary & Liaison to the Pennsylvania House and Senate. Part of this time included overseeing all legislation and regulation impacting the PA Department of Education. Prior to this he served 7 years as a staffer in the State Senate, including time as the Executive Director of the Senate Education Committee. He started his career as a District Staffer for a member of the State House of Representatives. During college, he also interned for two years for the US Congress. Aaron graduated from Millersville University in 2000 with a BA in Political Science, with minors in Economics and International Relations. He also earned a Masters in Government Administration from Penn State University in 2006.
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