
Kriging, a spatial interpolation technique, was named in honour of the South African mining engineer, Danie Krige. His University of the Witwater srand (Wits) Master's thesis led to the theoretical development of kriging by Georges Matheron who, in 1968, created the Centre de Gรฉostatistique in Fontainebleau, France. 

Matheron's terminology, krigeage ponctuel and krigeage de bloc, can be mis leading. With "point" kriging, the target and the samples used to estimate its value are similar in size, whereas block kriging refers to the case in which the dimensions of the target are considerably larger than those of the corre sponding samples. 

Size and dimensions, however, do not provide the full picture. Support accounts not only for these properties but also the shape and orientation of the spatial entity, say v โŠ‚ R, under consideration. More formally, support is an equivalence relation, R, such that v(s) R v(sโ€ฒ) iff โˆƒ h โˆˆ Rm such that v(sโ€ฒ) = v(s + h). Such ideas will be explored in more detail during the seminar.

Banner image by: Pedro Pinto Correia, Cropped, CC-BY-SA-3.0 


  • David Rose (Senior Lecturer at University of the Witwatersrand)

    David Rose

    Senior Lecturer at University of the Witwatersrand

    David Rose is originally from Durban where he obtained his BSc and BSc (Hons) —in the same class as Professor Pravesh Debba—majoring in Math ematical Statistics, at the then University of Natal (UND). His Master’s dis sertation at UND, as well as his PhD research at the University of Cambridge in the UK, was in the area of Queueing Theory and Queueing Networks.

    After graduation, David worked in industry at De Beers in Johannesburg and Toronto. Here he gained on-the-job experience in Geostatistics, with a formal qualification in the field from the Centre de Geostatistique mentioned previously.

    Dr Rose now works as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Wits, where he recently began lecturing an Honours course in Spatial Statistics.

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Spatial Statistics Event | 31 October 2023
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