Event Details
The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with RomLux Asbl & the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Romania and Moldova, invites you to join them for the
Go International: Romania & Moldova
Webinar to be held online on February 16th, 2021 via Zoom.
- 14:00 - Welcoming words
Cindy Tereba, Director International Affairs, Chamber of Commerce
Alain Schodts, Executive Director, Belgian Luxembourg Romanian Moldovan Chamber of Commerce
- 14:10 - General Presentation of Romania
Mr. Cristian Ilie, Director General Adjunct, Ministry of the Economy of Romania
- 14:15 - Presentation of ICT Romania
Mihai Matei, President, Anis
Bianca Muntean, Co-Founder & Cluster Manager, Transilvania IT Cluster
- 14:30 - General Presentation of Moldova
Rodica Verbeniuc, Head of Investment Agency, Moldovan Government
- 14:35 - Presentation of ICT Moldova
ATIC Moldova - presentation of ICT & BPO
- 14:50 - Testimonials ( Softehnica and Cegeka ( both present also in Moldova )
Iulian Popescu, Digitization Advisor of the Prime Minister of Romania, ex-CEO of Softtehnica
Tom De Vos, Director Nearshore, Cegeka
Cosmin Cosma, CEO, FINQware
- 15:20 - Closing Remarks
Razvan-Petru Radu, President, RomLux Asbl
S.E. Lilian Zamfiroiu, Ambassador of Romania to Luxembourg
Please register online to join the webinar.
The Zoom Link will be sent to you together with your registration confirmation.
The deadline for online registration is February 15th, 2021.