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Event Details

More On 25th May 2020 the world witnessed the murder of George Floyd under the knee of police officer Derek Chauvin for 8 minutes and 46 seconds...this murder sparked worldwide protests, the ascendance of the Black Lives Matter movement and led to organisations the world over positing black squares but what has happened since?

Many organisations and individuals were quick to say that they weren't racist however that's not enough....what we need to be is actively anti-racist....but what does that mean and how can we do this?

Well, this introductory workshop is designed to help you and your organisation to start thinking about exactly that!

This introductory workshop will provide you with the opportunity to understand the difference between being 'not racist' and 'anti-racist' it will give you practical tools and techniques in implementing 'anti-racism into your organisation's cultural DNA details about this workshop coming soon...

Sep 20, 2023

10:00 - 13:00 GMT+1


HDN Members

This is a discounted price for Housing Diversity Network members, and for those who work for organisations who are HDN members.

General Admission


  • Anne-Marie Bainbridge (Associate at Housing Diversity Network)

    Anne-Marie Bainbridge

    Associate at Housing Diversity Network


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