Event Details

(Registration will close when full)

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, about one-third of food produced worldwide never gets consumed, which totalled 1.3 billion tonnes of food waste annually. Among all food types, fruit and vegetables have the highest wastage rates and one of the reasons is due to their imperfect shape or appearance.

To tackle the food waste problem, marketing "imperfect food" is one of the solutions worldwide. "Imperfect food" refers to food that has cosmetic damage or does not meet customers' requirements. Examples are vegetables and fruits that have scars, irregular shape, unusual color, packaged food in slightly worn packaging, etc. With the growing concern on imperfect food, many countries have launched campaigns and movements on promoting imperfect food.

In Hong Kong, there is rising concern about imperfect food wastage through campaigns or events initiated by different organisations. However, there have not been studies on stakeholders' perception and the situation of food filtering along the food supply chain.

The "醜 Don't 篩 Perfectly Imperfood" team is formed by three students from HKU MSc in Environmental Management. They will introduce the problem of imperfect food waste and various marketing campaigns in foreign countries and in Hong Kong. They will also share some findings on the study of stakeholders' perception along the food supply chain in Hong Kong.


Please Note:

  1. This sharing will be conducted in CANTONESE.
  2. This event will be held via Zoom. The access link will be sent to all registered participants one day before the event.
  3. 1-hour CPD e-certificate will be issued to attended participants (Registration name should be same as the name shown in Zoom otherwise no record can be taken).


09:50 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:20
Opening & Introduction
10:20 - 11:20
Sharing by Perfectly Imperfood team, HKU MSc in Environmental Management
11:20 - 11:30