進階極限飛盤課程 Intermediate Ultimate Training Course 2022
(⚠️ For participants who have successfully completed the Elementary Ultimate Training Course. 需曾報讀及完成初階極限飛盤課程。)
課程内容 Course Summary:
Techniques for throwing, catching, cutting, vertical stacking, horizontal stacking, and game rules of ultimate frisbee.
Date 日期:
23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 27/11/2022 (Sun)
Time 時間:
Venue 地點:
Shek Kip Mei Park 石硤尾公園
Target 對象:
15 years old or above
⚠️ Course Requirement 課程要求:
❗️Have successfully completed the Elementary Ultimate Training Course.
Fee 費用 :
$200 / 4堂
$200 / 4 classes
Participants MUST complete the 4 days classes to receive course certificate. Participants will receive a frisbee upon completion.
Payment is only accepted via credit card. Please contact us if you cannot pay with a credit card.
Please note the following point:
Date 日期: 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 27/11/2022
Time 時間: 1500-1800
Venue 地點: Shek Kip Mei Park 石硤尾公園