Legacy Day is an extension of Black BRAND's 150 Year Plan, a Shared Vision for a Thriving Community. Here, engage with high level conversations and thought leaders in every area impacting the racial wealth gap. Learn more about affordable housing solutions, the future of media and technology, and the social determinants of health.
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Coffee and networking with doors opening at 8am.
9:00 AM - 9:10 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Learn more about Black BRAND's 150 Year Plan - A Shared Vision for a Thriving Community, plus get a run down of the day's agenda.
9:10 AM - 10:00 AM
The Future of Media and Technology
The Future of Media and Technology
Join us for an insightful 50-minute talk that explores the dynamic intersection of media, technology, and economic equity. This session will delve into how advancements in technology can be harnessed to narrow the racial wealth gap, offering valuable strategies for business owners and community leaders.
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Table Talks
Table Talks
Here is a moment to engage your table mates around the information you just heard. Questions to consider: how can we get this information into more hands? Who needs to hear it next? To whom should we connect our speaker?
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Stretch Break!
Stretch Break!
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Social Determinants of Health
Social Determinants of Health
Key discussion on the relationship between health disparities, health outcomes, and the racial wealth gap. This session will focus on the economic impact of health disparities, the role of healthcare systems, collaboration with nonprofits, and strategic data utilization.
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Table Talk
Table Talk
Take a moment to discuss what you just learned among your tables mates! Who needs to hear this information now? With whom should our speaker(s) connect?
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Lunch and Learn: Health Hacks for Hectic Lives
Lunch and Learn: Health Hacks for Hectic Lives
This session will provide a practical look at Social Determinants of Health by providing Innovative Meal Prep Techniques, Suggestions for Increasing Water Intake, Time Saving Health Strategies, Cost Effective Health Practices, and no session would be complete with Ways to Leverage Technology to Improve Health Outcomes.
1:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Stretch Break!
Stretch Break!
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM
Public Education and Mental Health
Public Education and Mental Health
This 75-minute discussion aims to equip entrepreneurs and community leaders with insights and strategies to address the intersection of public education and mental health, ultimately contributing to narrowing the racial wealth gap. Through expert insights and interactive discussions, participants will explore innovative approaches to enhance educational outcomes and support mental wellness in their communities. Specifically, the discussion will address enhancing education equity, addressing ment...
This 75-minute discussion aims to equip entrepreneurs and community leaders with insights and strategies to address the intersection of public education and mental health, ultimately contributing to narrowing the racial wealth gap. Through expert insights and interactive discussions, participants will explore innovative approaches to enhance educational outcomes and support mental wellness in their communities. Specifically, the discussion will address enhancing education equity, addressing mental health in schools, and community and family engagement.
This panel aims to inspire and equip community leaders, developers, and stakeholders with the strategies needed to address the housing shortage, ultimately contributing to a more thriving and equitable Hampton Roads. By addressing incentive programs, innovative housing solutions, and key community engagement, attendees will walk away empowered with actionable steps.