Event Details

SPARK would like to invite parents of ADHD children/teens/adults to give back to the community by being trained as mentors and facilitators for our support group and other programs.

From your own journey of parenting ADHD, as long as you are a few steps ahead, you have so much to benefit from reaching out to others in a similar journey to you. Reaching out to others has net gain for yourself as you learn and grow even more in your own journey.

This is a small group, customised mentoring and facilitation training to equip SPARK volunteers with skills and core competencies in the area of mentoring fundamentals, mentoring roles, communication and facilitation skills, boundaries and self-care.

After being trained, volunteers will go through a selection process for suitability before being assigned to help in various roles in our programs. As SPARK strives to grow to support more families in Singapore, more volunteers will be required to manage our support groups and programs.

Please note that the cost of the external trainer is being shared by all the participants, no profit is being factored into the charge. Anyone with financial constraints can contact us for subsidies on a case by case basis.

[SPARK EXCO reserves the right to cancel a registration (and fully refund it) in any case where the registrant is found to be unsuitable before the start of the training.]

Note that this will be an in-person training at a venue to be updated.

