National Anemia Awareness Day Virtual Roundtable," aims to shed light on the increasing incidence of anaemia in India, as revealed by NFHS-5 reports. The data indicates a significant rise in anaemia among both children and females, with particular concern for high-burden states. Nutritional deficiency, especially iron deficiency, is identified as a leading cause of anaemia, compounded by factors like obesity and socio-economic status.
Addressing anaemia is crucial due to its adverse effects on health and development. Low red blood cell count results in insufficient oxygen delivery to tissues, impacting cognitive and motor development in children and posing risks during pregnancy. Anaemia serves as an indicator of poor nutrition and health status.
The Government of India has initiated programs like "Anaemia Mukt Bharat Programme" and "POSHAN Abhiyaan" to combat anemia and associated nutritional deficiencies, highlighting the importance of collective action to address this public health concern