This hands-on workshop series will provide participants with a strong foundation in the legal and managerial responsibilities of nonprofit organizations by discussing topics related to board governance, financial management, budgeting, and legal and human resources.

Workshop 1: Board Governance (Thursday, June 6)

How to have an informed board, structured and constituted for success, and committed to advancing the organization's mission. Topics include board policies, management, development meetings, leadership, and responsibilities.

Workshop 2: Financial Management and Budgeting (Thursday, June 13)

Best practices in financial management so an organization has the systems, controls and reporting so that it knows, and can report on, how it has used its funds. Topics include financial policies, internal controls, fiscal responsibility and insurance, 990 bookkeeping, and budgeting.

Workshop 3: Legal & Human Resources (Thursday, June 27)

Learn how to incorporate, diligently watch for conflicts of interest, and keep the organization separate from the parent. Have clear policies, keep board and staff separated, and fairly evaluate all staff. Topics include bylaws, articles of incorporation, policies, personnel manuals, performance reviews, volunteer management, and hiring.

Each Workshop will be held in person at The Cathy Novinger Girl Scout Leadership Center. We have the capacity to support 15 organizations through this training and each of the 15 registered organization can send up to three (3) board/staff members to attend each training session in person. Additional board/staff members may participate virtually.

Light refreshments/snacks will be provided for the in-person workshops.

For additional organizational support each of the 15 organizations can receive 1 hour individual technical assistance in between each of the three workshop sessions. After completion of all three workshops, each of the 15 organizations will also have additional access to technical support for up to six (6) hours to further support the individual organization.

The total cost of the entire series of workshops is a one time fee of $60 per SCACED Member organization or $80 per non SCACED Member organization. Please note that registration is open exclusively to the SCACED Membership until Friday May 10. After that time the registration will available to any organization that would like to register until all 15 slots are sold out.

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Amber Stewart via email: or call 843-579-9855 ext. 107.


Thursday, June 6, 2024






Workshop 1: Board Governance

Workshop 1: Board Governance
How to have an informed board, structured and constituted for success, and committed to advancing the organization's mission. Topics include board policies, management, development meetings, leadership, and responsibilities.

Thursday, June 13, 2024






Workshop 2: Financial Management and Building

Workshop 2: Financial Management and Budgeting
Best practices in financial management so an organization has the systems, controls and reporting so that it knows, and can report on, how it has used its funds. Topics include financial policies, internal controls, fiscal responsibility and insurance, 990 bookkeeping, and budgeting.

Thursday, June 27, 2024






Workshop 3: Legal and Human Resources

Workshop 3: Legal & Human Resources
Learn how to incorporate, diligently watch for conflicts of interest, and keep the organization separate from the parent. Have clear policies, keep board and staff separated, and fairly evaluate all staff. Topics include bylaws, articles of incorporation, policies, personnel manuals, performance reviews, volunteer management, and hiring.

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  • CDI Registration: SCACED Member


    Member Price

    Nonprofit Management 101 Workshop Three (3) Session Series Registration. Each registered member organization can send three (3)board/staff members to attend each training session in person. Additional board/staff members may participate virtually. One time registration fee is $60 per organization for the entire series of workshops.

    Buy Ticket
  • CDI Registration: SCACED Non-Member


    Public Price

    Nonprofit Management 101 Workshop Three (3) Session Series Registration. Each registered non member organization can send three (3)board/staff members to attend each training session in person. Additional board/staff members may participate virtually. One time registration fee is $80 per non SCACED Member organization for the entire series of workshops.

    Buy Ticket