This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Association of Government Internal Auditors, Inc. events.

This Webinar aims to provide online learning that will enhance the knowledge and skills of the Internal Auditors on the different concepts of audit key processes in Compliance and Operations audits as outlined in the IASPPS of COA and the Revised PGIAM 2020. It also aims to provide operational tools and templates to be utilized by the Internal Auditors in the conduct of Operations Audits.


• To provide guidance and assistance to the Internal Auditors in adequately discharging their statutory and

professional responsibilities in auditing their respective agencies;

• To provide the IAS auditors with the different concepts of audit key processes in Compliance and

Operations audits in relation with the principles outlined in the IASPPS of COA and Revised PGIAM 2020;

• To provide operational tools/templates for Operations Audits for the Internal

Auditors to carry out the design, scoping, planning, reporting, and follow-up of its audits and reports;

• To provide the IAS auditors with the knowledge to manage the day-to-day work by providing reports to

the Management which add value to the organization's operations;

• To provide the IAS auditors with the techniques on root cause analysis to analyze the different audit

situations and to come out with an objective analysis on the given situation; and

• To enhance the knowledge and skills of the Internal Auditors in evaluating the outcome, output, process

and input of a program or project and whether these are effective, efficient, economical and ethical

including compliance with laws, regulations, managerial policies, accountability measures and

contractual obligations.


The webinar is especially designed for government employees from NGAs, GOCCs/GFIs, LGUs and SUCs,

particularly those assigned in the internal audit, accounting, finance, treasury, budget, asset management,

general services, human resource management, corporate planning, operations systems developers,

procurement, legal, etc.

Those in the private sector especially those who have contracts/transactions with government or intend

to transact or do business with government are encouraged to attend this training course.


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