PARTNERS' BRIEFINGS The Year in Review;2022 Annual Report.
Event Details We consider you a Flone Initiative's friend, partner, stakeholder and family. Together we made great achievements in 2022. Do you want to know your contribution to our 2022's impact? Join us during our 2022 Annual Report Briefing Session on ZOOM!
May 30, 2023
18:45 - 20:00 GMT+3
Agenda 18:45 - 19:00 Partners Join Meeting Via Zoom Platform.
Self Introductions via chat box Name: Organization: Location:
Lucy Kihonge Programmes Officer at Flone Initiative Trust 19:00 - 19:15 Flone Initiative & What We Do
Our Mandate: Behaviour change Research Movement Building
Naomi Mwaura Executive Director of Flone Initiative Trust 19:15 - 19:40 Key 2022 Milestones
We together achieved
Lucy Kihonge Programmes Officer at Flone Initiative Trust Elizabeth Njoki Kinuthia WITA CHAIRLADY at Flone Initiative 19:40 - 19:55 Open Discussion
Together we can do more: Comments Questions Recommendations
Naomi Mwaura Executive Director of Flone Initiative Trust 19:55 - 20:00 Thank You Note
Lucy Kihonge Programmes Officer at Flone Initiative Trust Speakers Lucy Kihonge Programmes Officer at Flone Initiative Trust Elizabeth Njoki Kinuthia WITA CHAIRLADY at Flone Initiative Naomi Mwaura Executive Director of Flone Initiative Trust
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