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COVID-19 has accelerated the speed of digital transformation across all sectors. Many of the jobs that have been displaced may be gone forever. It has also changed how we teach and learn. Some universities have already announced that all classes will be held online in 2020/21.

This webinar will gather local and international representatives from education institutes and business communities to:

  • Discuss the skills we need in a post-pandemic economy
  • Explore key issues facing higher and continuing education institutes under the new normal of learning
  • Share best and emerging practices in blended learning in tertiary education institutes
  • Identify scope for academic-business and international partnerships

Sep 24, 2020

9:00 AM - 11:30 AM GMT+8


"Learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change," said Peter Drucker, the management guru. In a world that is increasingly become more volatile, the imperative to keep ourselves relevant has become more urgent and important than ever now.

Buckminster Fuller, the architect and futurist from the last century coined the "Knowledge Doubling Curve". He noticed that until 1900, human knowledge doubled approximately every century. Today, on average, human knowledge doubles every 13 months. And in certain fields, the rate of doubling is much faster. With the exponential growth of knowledge, people will need to learn how to learn something new many times over during their life time.

In recent months, the pandemic has changed fundamentally how we live, learn and work. Some believe that the education sector is finally ripe for the digital transformation. While each level of education faces its unique challenges, it is the higher education segment that may end up, by necessity, triggering a learning revolution. The pandemic has also hastened the demise of some traditional industries and models of operations. Some of the manual jobs that have been automated may never come back again. The issues in front of us are:

  • What is the role of higher education institutes in reskilling and upskilling the workforce, including people who are not traditionally served by universities?
  • How should higher education institutes rethink the delivery, the curriculum, pedagogies and their business model, as well as the role of educators?
  • How can education institutes collaborate with businesses and across borders to enhance the relevance of learning?


Target Audience

The webinar will be of interest to:

  • higher education institutes 
  • talent development intermediaries e.g. consulting firms, executive search firms, professional associations and business chambers
  • people interested in education innovation


  • 9:00 AM - 9:15 AMIntroduction and Welcome

    John C Tsang

    Founder of Esperanza

    9:15 AM - 10:15 AMPanel 1: Roles of higher education institutes in reskilling and upskilling the workforce

    Professor Christopher Dede

    Professor in Learning Technologies at Harvard Graduate School of Education

    Professor Christina Hong

    President at Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi Hong Kong)

    Kenichi Imamura

    Head at HR Laboratory, HITOLAB

    Joe Ngai

    Managing Partner at McKinsey, Greater China

    Kenn Ross

    Managing Director of Minerva, Asia

    10:15 AM - 10:20 AMBreak
    10:20 AM - 11:05 AMPanel 2:Rethinking the delivery, operating and business models, the curriculum and pedagogies of higher education

    Professor Irwin King

    Chairman and Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

    Professor Justin Reich

    Professor of Comparative Media Studies and Director at Teaching Systems Lab at MIT

    Professor Siu Cheung Kong

    Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology (MIT); and the Director of Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC), The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)

    Professor Gloria Tam

    Associate Dean of Professional Learning at Minerva

    11:05 AM - 11:10 AMBreak
    11:10 AM - 11:30 AMConcluding Session and Q&A

    Professor Christopher Dede

    Professor in Learning Technologies at Harvard Graduate School of Education

    Professor Christina Hong

    President at Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi Hong Kong)

    Kenichi Imamura

    Head at HR Laboratory, HITOLAB

    Professor Irwin King

    Chairman and Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

    Professor Siu Cheung Kong

    Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology (MIT); and the Director of Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC), The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)

    Joe Ngai

    Managing Partner at McKinsey, Greater China

    Professor Justin Reich

    Professor of Comparative Media Studies and Director at Teaching Systems Lab at MIT

    Kenn Ross

    Managing Director of Minerva, Asia

    Charleston Sin

    Executive Director of MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node

    Professor Gloria Tam

    Associate Dean of Professional Learning at Minerva

    John C Tsang

    Founder of Esperanza


  • Professor Christopher Dede (Professor in Learning Technologies at Harvard Graduate School of Education)

    Professor Christopher Dede

    Professor in Learning Technologies at Harvard Graduate School of Education

    Read Bio
  • Professor Christina Hong (President at Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi Hong Kong))

    Professor Christina Hong

    President at Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi Hong Kong)

    Read Bio
  • Kenichi Imamura (Head at HR Laboratory, HITOLAB)

    Kenichi Imamura

    Head at HR Laboratory, HITOLAB

    Read Bio
  • Professor Irwin King (Chairman and Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK))

    Professor Irwin King

    Chairman and Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

    Read Bio
  • Professor Siu Cheung Kong (Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology (MIT); and the Director of Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC), The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK))

    Professor Siu Cheung Kong

    Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology (MIT); and the Director of Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC), The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)

    Read Bio
  • Joe Ngai (Managing Partner at McKinsey, Greater China)

    Joe Ngai

    Managing Partner at McKinsey, Greater China

    Read Bio
  • Professor Justin Reich (Professor of Comparative Media Studies and Director at Teaching Systems Lab at MIT)

    Professor Justin Reich

    Professor of Comparative Media Studies and Director at Teaching Systems Lab at MIT

    Read Bio
  • Kenn Ross (Managing Director of Minerva, Asia)

    Kenn Ross

    Managing Director of Minerva, Asia

    Read Bio
  • Charleston Sin (Executive Director of MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node)

    Charleston Sin

    Executive Director of MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node

    Read Bio
  • Professor Gloria Tam (Associate Dean of Professional Learning at Minerva)

    Professor Gloria Tam

    Associate Dean of Professional Learning at Minerva

    Read Bio
  • John C Tsang (Founder of Esperanza)

    John C Tsang

    Founder of Esperanza

    Read Bio