Event Details

Join us at the 3rd SS Rice News Network event in Ho Chi Minh City!

2025 is proving to be a challenging marketplace:

  • India's return in white rice and markets in general with reduced restrictions
  • Emphasis on Vietnam's winter-spring crop and supply dynamics
  • The shape of important Philippines demand
  • How Vietnam has so far competed in global markets to offer an attractive offering
  • Buyers flock to Vietnam - from Africa, Bangladesh, China and the more regular Malaysia, Cuba and Philippines demand elements
  • Smaller role in terms of Indonesian demand, after two consecutive years of strong imports which benefitted Vietnam.

How do these moving parts shape markets, what has changed? and how has Vietnam evolved in the changing markets?

Discover the latest updates on global rice markets from 2024 to 2025, understand the changing market characteristics, how buyers are adjusting their procurement in what is a more "supply friendly" market. SS Rice Network offers an excellent business networking opportunity with a specially designed program, key partnership with regional associations and buyer groups to deliver not only information, but a chance to meet the people in the trade, from international traders, exporters, importers and services across the rice trade and supply chain. This event highlights business matching arrangements for the first time:

  • displays available to delegates who want to showcase products (limited, but free to registered delegates)
  • Networking focused event set-up and event reception.
  • Strategic partnerships with regional and global rice associations representing both buyers and sellers

A Not-To-Miss opportunity, we look forward to meeting you at The Reverie Saigon @ Times Square on March 6th, 2025!


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Delegates checkin
2:00 PM - 2:25 PM
Welcome and Introduction
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Market Overview Presentation
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM
Coffee Break
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Panel Discussion
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Networking Reception - Business Matching


  • Ngoc Nam Nguyen (President at Vietnam Food Association)

    Ngoc Nam Nguyen

    President at Vietnam Food Association

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  • Chookiat Ophaswongse (Honorary President at TREA)

    Chookiat Ophaswongse

    Honorary President at TREA

  • Wanniwat Kittireaunglarp (Director of Ponglarp Co Ltd)

    Wanniwat Kittireaunglarp

    Director of Ponglarp Co Ltd

  • U. Ye Min Aung (Executive Chairman at Myanmar Rice Federation)

    U. Ye Min Aung

    Executive Chairman at Myanmar Rice Federation

  • Sokheang Chan (President at Cambodia Rice Federation)

    Sokheang Chan

    President at Cambodia Rice Federation

  • Nam Do Ha (Vice President at Vietnam Food Association)

    Nam Do Ha

    Vice President at Vietnam Food Association


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  • V Subramanian (Co-Founder of SSResource Media Pte. Ltd. (www.ssricenews.com))

    V Subramanian

    Co-Founder of SSResource Media Pte. Ltd. (www.ssricenews.com)


    Subra is the co-founder of SSResource Media and represents the major contributor to content, analysis, and expertise in organising conferences over a career spanning 3 decades. Subra brings a wealth of experience which include nearly 15 years as a rice market analyst, and nearly 30 years or organizing rice, commodity, and shipping events as key experiences that drives the passion behind the rice industry network being forged by SSRiceNews.com

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  • Huong Phan (Co-Founder of SS Rice News)

    Huong Phan

    Co-Founder of SS Rice News

    Huong is the co-founder at SSResource Media and her main role is to take charge of all commercial affairs for the SSResource Media team. Apart from being the person-in-charge of developing platform for SSRiceNews.com (website and related services to promote SSRiceNews.com networking events), she is also key to all marketing and sales initiatives for the group.

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Connect with 141 people attending this event


SSRN networking
Standard Price $300


The Reverie Saigon @ Times Square

Hแป“ Chí Minh, Vietnam

If you have any questions please contact Huong Phan

Contact Organizer

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