Presentation 1
In this talk, I will present an overview of my research in the field of cutting and packing problems. Specifically, I will talk about my research project on "lower and upper bounds for generalised bin packing problems", funded by NRF Thuthuka. I will also report on other research projects which I investigated during my sabbatical leave.
Presentation 2
When I started my PhD journey, I knew I wanted to work with spatial data, and I knew I wanted to use machine learning models and predictive modelling. It was therefore so fortunate when I was presented with the opportunity to work on a project in digital soil mapping for my PhD. It not only ticked my boxes, but it opened my world to the importance of protecting one of the world's most valuable assets, soil. The data and modelling challenges in DSM are complex and it therefore presents so many opportunities for research as a statistician. In this talk I would like to share some of these opportunities and the impactful research one can do in this environment.