
  • Rosephine Rakotonirainy (Cutting and packing problems: Research trends and opportunities)

    Rosephine Rakotonirainy

    Cutting and packing problems: Research trends and opportunities

    Georgina is a lecturer at the department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Cape Town since 2019. She received a PhD in Operations Research in 2018 from Stellenbosch University. Her primary research area is Operations Research, with a focus on the application of mathematical optimization techniques to solve complex decision-making problems. She has a particular interest in the field of cutting and packing problems, and her research is centered on the use and development of metaheuristic approaches.

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  • Stephan van der Westhuizen (Digital Soil Mapping and Spatial Statistics)

    Stephan van der Westhuizen

    Digital Soil Mapping and Spatial Statistics

    Stephan is a lecturer at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Stellenbosch University, and he obtained his PhD earlier this year at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. For his PhD he developed machine learning frameworks to account for complex data issues in digital soil mapping (DSM). DSM makes use of statistical methods to quantify complex relationships between a soil property and environmental covariates, and this using this relationship to the predict soil properties across landscapes. Stephan has continued in this avenue of research, aiming to address statistical challenges in DSM, such as improving the statistical modelling of soil properties to enhance soil map accuracy and developing interpretive machine learning techniques using multivariate techniques. For his work Stephan has been the recipient of the international Climate, Food and Farming and Global Research Alliance Development Scholarships (CLIFF-GRADS), the Thuthuka PhD grant of the National Research Foundation, and he is the recipient of Stellenbosch University’s Rector’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme in AI, machine learning and data analysis.

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Presentation 1

In this talk, I will present an overview of my research in the field of cutting and packing problems. Specifically, I will talk about my research project on "lower and upper bounds for generalised bin packing problems", funded by NRF Thuthuka. I will also report on other research projects which I investigated during my sabbatical leave.

Presentation 2

When I started my PhD journey, I knew I wanted to work with spatial data, and I knew I wanted to use machine learning models and predictive modelling. It was therefore so fortunate when I was presented with the opportunity to work on a project in digital soil mapping for my PhD. It not only ticked my boxes, but it opened my world to the importance of protecting one of the world's most valuable assets, soil. The data and modelling challenges in DSM are complex and it therefore presents so many opportunities for research as a statistician. In this talk I would like to share some of these opportunities and the impactful research one can do in this environment.

Event Details

This 2024 seminar series aims to highlight the experiences of emerging researchers in our Statistics community across tertiary institutions in South Africa, thereby opening a channel for moving into a period of sustainable academic statistics.

This research group and seminar series aims develop the early career doctoral supervisor in Statistical Sciences to be more effective in graduating a doctoral candidate, as well as providing a more holistic and understandable journey for the student, aiming to initiate their movement into academia. This project aims to develop 1) effective and efficient doctoral supervisors in Statistical Sciences; 2) more equipped doctoral students for both corporate and academic paths, 3) strengthen collaboration between various departments in South Africa, including operations research, data science as well as the role of universities of technology. Most importantly, the project will reach doctoral candidates in Statistical Sciences within South Africa, building a base of expertise widely spread and creating networks between young supervisors/researchers across South Africa.