Event Details
The Belgian Chamber of Commerce in South Africa is happy to announce that our Ambassador, H.E. Paul Jansen will be hosting our business members at his annual networking reception.
On the evening of Thursday 16 May 2024, the Ambassador will invite you and your guests to a cocktail reception, in the beautiful garden of the Embassy in Pretoria. This event will allow you to discuss issues of national interest, network and engage with other BCCSA members and their guests, in the presence of our Ambassador and his guests. It is an evening not to be missed!
Practical information:
- As a Business member, you can invite up to 2 guests outside of your own organisation.
- As a Business Premium/Diamond member, you can invite up to 5 guests outside of your own organisation.
- Please fill in the form with the names of your guests by latest Friday 26/04/2024.
- Once you and your guests are registered, you will receive your personal invitation from the Embassy.
We are looking forward to seeing you at this exclusive event.