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Programme Overview

Feel free to join us. All are welcomed. Free admission.

Join the Day 1 webinar on July 30 2:15 pm HKT here!

Join the Day 2 webinar on July 31 9:00 am HKT here!

Design thinking helps organisations innovate using a human-centred approach. It is a creative and structured approach to integrate the needs of stakeholders, the possibilities of technology and the economic viability in tackling organisation challenges. Design thinking is both a mindset and a set of tools to help us tackle challenges and identify new opportunities, using an agile and collaborative approach with all stakeholders. It has become more relevant than ever to public and private organisations in riding the storm of the pandemic and in finding the path to a more sustainable future.

Local and international experts and practitioners will share at this online forum why and how design thinking has created value to their organisations, their customers, employees and other stakeholders; and why it has become more important in times of crisis. It will also be an interactive event for participants to engage actively with the forum speakers and get their insights and tips on how design thinking can be introduced and applied effectively – whether you are complete novices or already have some experience.

Jul 30 & 31, 2020 GMT-5

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COVID-19 has sent shock waves to every corner of the world, changing fundamentally the way we live, learn and work. It is a stark manifestation of what a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment means. We do not know when and how the pandemic will end. But we can be pretty sure that the world will never be the same again. Whilst we have to grapple with the everyday challenges, we have to start thinking today what kind of future we would like to build.  

Private and public organisations alike have to develop the agility and resilience to tackle the challenges of the new normal with extra doses of creativity and innovation. To win the mind and hearts of people, businesses and government also have to demonstrate that they can meet the needs of their employees, their customers and citizens with empathy, care and concern.

The pandemic has also accelerated digital transformation in all aspects of our life, from home office, remote learning, virtual gym to online family gatherings. It has also heightened the need and urgency for governments around the world to reimagine how medical and health care should be managed to cope with the current fallout and what it should be post crisis.

Whilst digital experience has become the norm of the day, COVID-19 has accentuated our appreciation of what it means to be human and what the basic human needs are. The crisis has also underscored the need for the community actions, and how businesses can contribute to addressing the needs of the society.


All sessions in Hong Kong Time.

  • Day 1 (July 30, 2020)
    2:15 PM - 2:30 PMIntroduction and Welcome Address (English)

    Dr Edmund Lee

    Executive Director of Hong Kong Design Centre

    Mr Marcus Lui

    Executive Director of Design Thinking in Action

    2:30 PM - 2:40 PMOpening Remarks (English)

    Dr Bernard Pak-li Chan, JP

    Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development at The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

    3:00 PM - 4:00 PMCase Study Panel 1 Rethinking Medical & Health Services (English)
    The pandemic has hastened the need and urgency for health care innovation. Through the cases of Tencent Health Care, the Adventist and the Rotterdam Hospitals, participant will learn from the panellists:

    - The people-first imperative and what does it mean?
    - How design thinking can start small with minimal investments and risks?
    - How technology can be used to improve patient experience?
    - How design thinking can be both a top down and bottom up approach to change?
    - How to get buy-in from internal stakeholders?
    - How can we work with external stakeholders and the community in reimagining health care?

    Ms Doretta Lo

    Senior Nursing Officer at Outpatient Department, Adventist Hospital

    Mr Alexander Ng

    Vice President at Tencent Health Care

    Dr Fan Ning

    Chairman at Health in Action

    Mr Roel van der Heijde

    Former Health Care Consultant at Rotterdam Eye Hospital

    4:00 PM - 5:00 PMCase Study Panel 2 Co-Creating Innovation (English)
    The wicked problems of our society, from health care to environmental degradation, are no longer the ‘monopoly’ of governments and the civil society. Businesses nowadays not only have the responsibility to tackle social changes but can also identify opportunities to create value with different stakeholders. Design thinking experts from Denmark, Singapore and Taiwan will share:

    - How might we create our future in a VUCA world? And in a sustainable way?
    - How might we engage and lead different stakeholders (government, business, civil society and citizens), using both top down and bottom up approach?
    - What are the cultural considerations in the innovation process?
    - How might we make ideas actionable, scalable and measurable?
    - How might we build the capability of organisations to innovation?
    - How might technology assist the co-creation process?

    Ms Julie Hjort

    Programme Director of Danish Design Centre

    Ms Patti Hunt

    Founder & Director of MAKE Studios

    Ms Debbie Ng

    Principal at ThinkPlace Singapore

    Mr Kevin Yang

    CEO of 5% Design Action

    5:00 PM - 6:00 PMClosing Dialogue: The new meaning of wellbeing (English)
    The pandemic has changed our lives beyond recognition. It makes us appreciate many people in our society: our nurses, teachers, the delivery people and many nameless heroes in our society. It has demonstrated the kindness and benevolence in our communities around the world. As we confront with the vulnerability of human life, COVID-19 has led us to think about some hard questions of our existence and how we can go forward to build a society that is healthy, inclusive and sustainable.

    1. What is it that we truly cherish?
    2. How are people’s values, needs and behaviour changing?
    3. How might we leverage and mobilise the good will and resources in the community to meet some fundamental human needs?
    4. What lessons do we learn for the future from some new modes of partnership during the pandemic?

    Mr Charles Hayes

    Executive Managing Director, Asia & Partner of IDEO

    Ms Ada Wong

    Director of Ednovators; Supervisor at HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity

    Day 2 (July 31, 2020)
    9:00 AM - 9:10 AMIntroduction and Welcome (English)

    Mr Marcus Lui

    Executive Director of Design Thinking in Action

    9:10 AM - 9:45 AMOpening Keynote (English)
    Mr Chris Pacione will open the forum with the design thinking imperative and why it is more important than ever in helping us address the challenges of the new normal.

    Mr Chris Pacione

    Co-Founder and CEO of LUMA Institute

    9:45 AM - 10:45 AMCase Study Panel 1 The Digital Transformation Imperative (English)
    The pandemic has accelerated the pace of digital transformation. Panellists will share why and how design thinking is relevant in the digital transformation process. Participants will learn:

    - How do we get internal buy-in?
    - How do we build the organisational capability, the dos and don'ts?
    - How do we get customer insights through qualitative and quantitative research?
    - How do we engage end-users in the process? What are the key UX considerations?
    - How do we engage employees and customers post-pandemic?

    Mr Dwayne Serjeant

    Executive Director – Experience Design of EY

    Ms Elaine Ann

    Founder of Interaction Design Association Hong Kong Chapter

    Mr Nico Guiridlian

    Customer Experience Lead of PayMe at Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

    Mr Gary Liu

    CEO of South China Morning Post

    10:45 AM - 11:45 AMCase Study Panel 2 Building a Human-centric and Innovative Workforce (Cantonese with Simultaneous interpretation to English)
    Building a resilient business and loyal customers starts with caring for your staff and develop their capacity to learn and grow. Participants will learn from CLP Power Hong Kong, LAWSGROUP and Hong Kong Management Association on how:

    - They develop the organisational muscle to innovate through design thinking
    - The investment in design thinking capability has created value for the organisation and multiple stakeholders
    - Design thinking helps them reimagine the future of work

    Ms Miko Cheung

    HR Director of LAWSGROUP

    Mr Teddy Liu

    Committee Member of People Development Management Committee at Hong Kong Management Association

    Ms Lena Low

    Senior Director of Customer and Business Development at CLP Power Hong Kong

    Mr Stephen Wong

    Founder and Lead Curator of Design Thinking In Action

    11:45 AM - 12:00 PMClosing Address (English)

    Prof Eric Yim

    Chairman of BOD at Hong Kong Design Centre


  • Prof Eric Yim (Chairman of BOD at Hong Kong Design Centre)

    Prof Eric Yim

    Chairman of BOD at Hong Kong Design Centre

    Read Bio
  • Dr Edmund Lee (Executive Director of Hong Kong Design Centre)

    Dr Edmund Lee

    Executive Director of Hong Kong Design Centre

    Read Bio
  • Ms Elaine Ann (Founder of Interaction Design Association Hong Kong Chapter)

    Ms Elaine Ann

    Founder of Interaction Design Association Hong Kong Chapter

    Read Bio
  • Dr Bernard Pak-li Chan, JP (Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development at The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)

    Dr Bernard Pak-li Chan, JP

    Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development at The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

    Read Bio
  • Ms Miko Cheung (HR Director of LAWSGROUP)

    Ms Miko Cheung

    HR Director of LAWSGROUP

    Read Bio
  • Mr Nico Guiridlian (Customer Experience Lead of PayMe at Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited)

    Mr Nico Guiridlian

    Customer Experience Lead of PayMe at Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

    Read Bio
  • Mr Charles Hayes (Executive Managing Director, Asia & Partner of IDEO)

    Mr Charles Hayes

    Executive Managing Director, Asia & Partner of IDEO

    Read Bio
  • Ms Julie Hjort (Programme Director of Danish Design Centre)

    Ms Julie Hjort

    Programme Director of Danish Design Centre

    Read Bio
  • Ms Patti Hunt (Founder & Director of MAKE Studios)

    Ms Patti Hunt

    Founder & Director of MAKE Studios

    Read Bio
  • Mr Gary Liu (CEO of South China Morning Post)

    Mr Gary Liu

    CEO of South China Morning Post

    Read Bio
  • Mr Teddy Liu (Committee Member of People Development Management Committee at Hong Kong Management Association)

    Mr Teddy Liu

    Committee Member of People Development Management Committee at Hong Kong Management Association

    Read Bio
  • Ms Doretta Lo (Senior Nursing Officer at Outpatient Department, Adventist Hospital)

    Ms Doretta Lo

    Senior Nursing Officer at Outpatient Department, Adventist Hospital

    Read Bio
  • Ms Lena Low (Senior Director of Customer and Business Development at CLP Power Hong Kong)

    Ms Lena Low

    Senior Director of Customer and Business Development at CLP Power Hong Kong

    Read Bio
  • Mr Marcus Lui (Executive Director of Design Thinking in Action)

    Mr Marcus Lui

    Executive Director of Design Thinking in Action

    Read Bio
  • Mr Alexander Ng (Vice President at Tencent Health Care)

    Mr Alexander Ng

    Vice President at Tencent Health Care

    Read Bio
  • Ms Debbie Ng (Principal at ThinkPlace Singapore)

    Ms Debbie Ng

    Principal at ThinkPlace Singapore

    Read Bio
  • Dr Fan Ning (Chairman at Health in Action)

    Dr Fan Ning

    Chairman at Health in Action

    Read Bio
  • Mr Chris Pacione (Co-Founder and CEO of LUMA Institute)

    Mr Chris Pacione

    Co-Founder and CEO of LUMA Institute

    Read Bio
  • Mr Dwayne Serjeant (Executive Director – Experience Design of EY)

    Mr Dwayne Serjeant

    Executive Director – Experience Design of EY

    Read Bio
  • Mr Stephen Wong (Founder and Lead Curator of Design Thinking In Action)

    Mr Stephen Wong

    Founder and Lead Curator of Design Thinking In Action

    Read Bio
  • Ms Ada Wong (Director of Ednovators; Supervisor at HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity)

    Ms Ada Wong

    Director of Ednovators; Supervisor at HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity

    Read Bio
  • Mr Kevin Yang (CEO of 5% Design Action)

    Mr Kevin Yang

    CEO of 5% Design Action

    Read Bio
  • Mr Roel van der Heijde (Former Health Care Consultant at Rotterdam Eye Hospital)

    Mr Roel van der Heijde

    Former Health Care Consultant at Rotterdam Eye Hospital

    Read Bio