I am a second year MSc Biostatistics student at the University of Cape Town under the supervision of Prof. Francesca Little. In 2022, I completed an Honours degree in Applied Statistics at UCT and was awarded an EDCTP Master's fellowship through the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation. My Master's research uses latent class modelling, longitudinal and survival analyses, and joint modelling to uncover insights into people's adherence to antiretroviral therapy.
I also work part-time as a bioinformatics scientist in research and development at a life sciences company. In this capacity, I am focussed on developing custom analytics pipelines which leverage classical statistics and advanced analytics methods to uncover insights from lab-based genomics experiments. It is really challenging and rewarding work where I get to apply multivariate statistics, (un)supervised learning, mixed effects modelling, and more to fascinating biological and experimental problems.
Outside of professional interests, I enjoy being active and outdoors, listening to classical music and jazz, and occasionally picking up my guitar.