Yes, Zucchero is performing in Tucson - Sunday, October 2, 2022.
The Italian Association has secured a LIMITED number of seats near the stage.
Seats are in rows C, D, E (even numbers 2 - 20)
Let's go together to enjoy what promises to be an incredible performance.
We plan on going early to enjoy some appetizers and a glass of wine.
The location will be revealed once you purchase your tickets so you can join us.
Zucchero has also agreed to meet with a couple of individuals (chosen randomly) after the concert
Anyone purchasing a ticket through the Italian Association is entered into the draw.
Get your tickets ASAP, and let's meet in Tucson for a fun afternoon/evening.
Fox Tucson Theater
17 W. Congress St.
Tucson, AZ 85701
Show starts at 7 PM
If our bank of tickets sells out, you can also purchase directly from the Fox Theater.