NREA Weekly Updates: August 5th, 2022

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The Rural Educator
The Rural Educator
As the official journal of the National Rural Education Association, The Rural Educator serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas among the rural education community. The journal aims to provide a greater understanding of the strengths and needs of rural education and to provide rural educators with resources that support their work.
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As kids get ready to go back to school, U.S. faces a teacher shortage
With hundreds of thousands of public school teachers quitting earlier this year, many schools around the country are scrambling to ensure that someone will be there to educate students returning to the classroom soon. Elise Preston reports.
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The funding will allow organizations to develop new or expand existing AmeriCorps programs that provide afterschool opportunities for students.
WASHINGTON, DC (August 9, 2022) — One of the key ways AmeriCorps programs and their members serve local communities is by providing supplemental educational opportunities, like afterschool programs. This has perhaps never been more important than now, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has exacerbated longstanding inequities and education gaps in US schools.
A longtime supporter of afterschool programming,  (ASC) is pleased to announce that it has selected five organizations to receive two-year grants to support the expansion or creation of afterschool programs in their respective states. Funding for these grants — a total of $340,000 — is made possible by the , which is committed to supporting efforts that promote a just, equitable, and sustainable society.
Each grant is awarded to a collaborative partnership between a statewide afterschool network and a . The grant recipients, along with a summary of how each will use the funds, are listed below.
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Students with Blood Cancer often have interruptions in school from their treatments and hospital stays. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) now offers the LLS Scholarship for Blood Cancer Survivors, providing up toe $7,500 to cover tuition for virtual or in-person vocational, two-year, or four-year undergraduate education. Learn more today.
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