10/2/19 From Battlefield to Bedside, Handling the Stress of Patient Care ADMIT Fall Conference Join Waitlist Register
Venue Location Forest Hills Country Club
5135 Forest Hills Road Rockford, Illinois
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Event Details Dr. Cole will be discussing the adjustments a veteran must make from deployment to home, how working on a deployed austere environment helps develop compassion for others, and how to apply an "improvise and adapt out of necessity" mentality to stressful patient care situations.
1.5 CEU's will be awarded to nurses, social workers and professional counselors.
Trauma: My Life as an Emergency Surgeon, written by Dr. Cole, published in 2012 includes his experiences both on the battlefield and in the emergency department.
Copies of Dr. Cole's book will be available for purchase during this event.
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
Registration Sign-in, Vendor Booths, Networking
Registration Sign-in, Vendor Booths, Networking 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Dinner will be served
Dinner will be served 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Presentation Speakers
Dr. James Cole Swedish American Hospital Dr. James Cole received his medical degree from Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed his general surgery residency at William Beaumont Army Center in El Paso, Texas. Dr. Cole is board certified in general surgery and neuro-critical care. He has a special interest in trauma surgery, critical care and general surgery. He is on staff with UW Health Surgery at Swedish American Hospital. Dr. Cole is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, a member of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma and a member of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. Dr. Cole was trained to be a military surgeon. He served in a Marine Corps reconnaissance unit, in the U.S. Special Operations Command, and on a Navy Reserve SEAL team. He has provided care for troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Tickets 10/2/19 From Battlefield to Bedside - ADMIT Fall Conference 1.5 CE program being held at Forest Hills Country Club, 5135 Forest Hills Rd., Rockford **Vendor Table & Conference Attendance
10/2/19 From Battlefield to Bedside - ADMIT Fall Conference 1.5 CE program being held at Forest Hills Country Club, 5135 Forest Hills Rd, Rockford **Conference Attendance Only**
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