head of department of ophthalmology and Regional ophthalmologist. at Moroto Regional Referral Hospital
Dr Gladys Atto is a Ugandan ophthalmologist and head of department of ophthalmology at Moroto Regional Referral Hospital and Regional ophthalmologist for Karamoja.
She has a legacy of being the first ophthalmologist in Karamoja subregion. For the past 3 years, she has carried out over 7000 sight restoring cataract surgeries mainly through community outreaches. Gladys received the 'the women in medicine' award from the Uganda Medical Association in recognition of her efforts in strengthening the health system in 2021. She currently works in collaboration with Sightsavers, Uganda in the Karamoja Inclusive Eye health Project which ensures that ‘no one is left behind’ by ensuring ‘Improved access to affordable, quality eye care services for people with and without disabilities in Karamoja, Uganda.