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SAAFoST - Cape Branch Networking and Social Event
SAAFoST - Cape Branch Networking and Social Event

Microchem Food Pathogen Evening – A review of the current trends of foodborne pathogens

​Jun​ ​11,​ ​2024​
​​ ​(​6​:00​​ ​PM​ ​-​ ​​9​:00​​ ​PM)​ (GMT+2)
Microchem Lab Services, Cape Town Head Office, 5 Dairy Street, Stikland Industrial, Cape Town, South Africa, 7530
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Dear Subscriber,

SAAFoST Cape Branch invites you to a networking and social event on 11 June 2024 in Cape Town.
Free for SAAFoST members 
Only R250.00 (R217.39 + R 32.61 VAT) for non-members
The sixth annual World Food Safety Day theme in June is "Food Safety: Prepare for the Unexpected".

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in ten people worldwide are sickened by unsafe food every year, and more than 200 diseases are caused by food contaminated by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or chemical substances.

This statistic underscores that food safety remains a global concern and that there is a critical need for rigorous food safety measures. We will discuss the role of pathogens and laboratory testing in identifying and mitigating food contamination risks.

Ilse Liedemann
Head of Microbiology Services at Microchem Lab Services (Pty) Ltd
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Sponsors and Partners

South African Association for Food Science &Technology (SAAFoST)

Event Sponsor

Microchem Lab Services (Pty) Ltd

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