Select your ticket(s). If you have any questions, please contact us.
Ticket Name
Total %
Full Late Registration (JCI Active Members Only)
This includes full registration for all days (a 4% credit card processing fee is included in this pricing). Full Registration Includes trainings, morning coffee, the welcome party, two lunches, the awards banquet, and a welcome swag bag.
Full Late Registration (Senator, Jr Jaycees, or Alumni)
This includes full registration for all days (a 4% credit card processing fee is included in this pricing). Full Registration Includes trainings, morning coffee, the welcome party, two lunches, the awards banquet, and a welcome swag bag.
Partial Registration (Dinner)
This registration is for the JCI USA Awards Banquet and Dinner on Saturday, April 5th only (a 4% credit card processing fee is included in this pricing).
Partial Registration (Welcome Party)
This registration is for the Welcome Party on Thursday, April 3rd only (a 4% credit card processing fee is included in this pricing).
Wednesday Excursion: Chicago Big Bus Tour
Explore Chicago in style! This ticket includes shuttle transportation to and from the train on Wednesday, along with the Big Bus Tour, where we will have guides to take you to top spots or you can explore on your own! More info available via our Facebook event page. Excursion tickets must be reserved by March 15, 2025.
Please note that you will need to purchase an additional train ticket outside this registration price. There are $11 round-trip tickets available at any Metra Kiosk or via the Ventra App. Tickets can also be purchased on the train for $16.