Event Registration:

PFIP CEO Roundtable - 2024 Pride Summit

Attendee Information

Complete Registration

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Data Privacy

Please note that you may be sharing personal data that will be used by PFIP, our event providers, and/or vendors to enroll you and administer the event. We will process your personal data (including sensitive data, e.g. dietary requirements/special needs) in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173). I understand this consent may also include the sending of post-event communications, including sharing of relevant materials.

I hereby grant PFIP's hired photographer irrevocable permission to publish photographs of me taken during this event. This is including but is not limited to, any current or future internal and external social media networks, overview decks, online pages, and promotional materials. I further grant PFIP the unrestricted right and permission to copyright and use, re-use, publish, and republish photographs of me in which I may be included intact or in part, composite or distorted in character or form, without restriction as to changes or transformations. I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the finished product(s) or the editorial copy or printed matter that may be used in connection therewith or the use to which it may be applied. 

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Event Room

All attendees will automatically be part of the online event room and be able to view community profiles.