Warm Greetings from Kenya Property Developers Association.
We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming KPDA Half-Day Workshop on October 24th, 2024 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM at KCB Leadership Centre-Karen. This workshop is a chance for all of us to better understand the National Building Code 2024, which is set to take effect in March 2025.
The Code, which was gazetted on March 2024, launched on 17th July 2024 and set to be operational in March 2025, introduces quite a few changes that will affect how we work. That's why we're bringing developers, contractors and stakeholders together to dive deep into what this code means for the future of building in Kenya.
The workshop aims to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the National Building Code 2024, which introduces significant changes and improvements to building standards in Kenya. The workshop will cover the following key areas:
1.Overview of Code: Participants will learn about the major updates and objectives of the code, including enhanced safety standards, environmental sustainability, and improved accessibility measures.
2. Key Provisions: The workshop will delve into specific provisions of the code, such as:
· Siting and space requirements - Understanding regulations for building locations and site access.
· Structural design and materials - Emphasizing standards for construction materials and design to ensure safety against environmental factors like earthquakes and wind loads.
· Parking and accessibility - Discussing requirements for parking spaces, pedestrian access, and inclusivity features for individuals with disabilities.
· Environmental considerations - Highlighting guidelines for energy efficiency, waste management, and sustainable building practices.
3. Implementation Strategies: Participants will explore how to effectively implement the new code in their projects, ensuring compliance with national standards while promoting quality construction practices.
We've lined up trainers from the National Construction Authority (NCA), to walk us through the code and answer any questions you might have.
The changes in this code will shape the way we work going forward and we want to make sure you're prepared and informed. Plus, this will be a great opportunity to connect with others in the industry, exchange ideas and share experiences.
We hope you can join us. Please feel free to reach out to membership@kpda.or.keif you have any questions or need further information. We'd love to see you there.
Looking forward to learning and building together.
Welcoming remarks by KPDA CEO-Vincent Mwango
Opening remarks by KPDA Board Director-Alex Waiharo
Executive Director/Secretary to the Board. of National Construction Authority (NCA)
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Corporation Secretary and Head of Legal at National Construction Authority (NCA)
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General Manager-Registration and Compliance at National Construction Authority (NCA)
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This ticket is for Platinum Sponsors of the KPDA Half-Day Workshop.
1. Event Brochure: Your organization’s name shall appear in all the marketing materials for this event.
2. Live Advertisement during the event: Your organization shall get the opportunity for screen coverage during the event
3. Event Program and Announcement: Your organization’s name will be listed in the event’s program and will be recognized as a prominent sponsor.
4. Complimentary Advertisements:
• KPDA Website: Your organization’s name will be listed on the KPDA website as a sponsor for the period of one (1) year
• The KPDA Newsletter: Complimentary advertisement for one month (4 issues) of the KPDA Weekly E-Newsletter (KPDA Media Weekly) with an organic reach of about 1500 and over 3000 subscribers
5. The opportunity to include Information, Education and Communication (IEC materials) at the event and get two (2) tables to display your organization’s products
6. Strategic branding within and outside the room (4 roll-up banners)
7. Opportunity for a presentation – 25 minutes
8. Complimentary attendance of eight (8) staff representatives
9. Opportunity to be part of the panel discussion
This ticket is for gold sponsors of the KPDA CEO Breakfast Forum.
1. Complimentary KPDA Website Advertisement: Your organization’s name shall be listed on the KPDA website as an event sponsor for the period of marketing the event
2. Event Announcement: Your organization will be recognized as a sponsor.
3. Complimentary attendance of four (4) staff representatives
4. Strategic branding within and outside the room (3 Roll Up Banners)
5. Opportunity for a presentation – 20 minutes
6. One table to display products
7. Opportunity to be part of the panel discussion
8. You shall also receive a list of all delegates
This ticket is for Silver Sponsors of the KPDA CEO Breakfast Forum
1. Complimentary Website Advertisements: Your organization’s name will be listed on the KPDA website as an event sponsor for the period of marketing the event
2. Strategic branding within and outside the room (2 roll-up banners)
3. Opportunity for a presentation – 10 minutes
4. One table to display products
5. Complimentary attendance of two (2) staff representatives
6. Opportunity to be part of the panel discussion
7. You shall also receive a list of all delegates
This ticket is for Bronze Sponsors of the KPDA CEO Breakfast Forum
1. Strategic branding outside the room (1 roll-up banner)
2. One table to display products
3. Mention as a sponsor
4. Complimentary attendance of one (1) staff representatives
5. Opportunity to be part of the panel discussion
6. You shall also receive a list of all delegates