Event Registration:

Submit Your USBC Success Story Today!

Attendee Information

Complete Registration
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Test Group

Please enter a valid url
e.g. https://app.glueup.com
If you input more than 0 characters your Chamber Website may not display properly

Please enter a valid Facebook link e.g. "https://www.facebook.com/yourname"
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Please enter a valid Instagram Link e.g. "https://www.instagram.com/username"
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Please enter a valid LinkedIn link e.g. "https://www.linkedin.com/in/userid"
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If you input more than 0 characters your Social - Twitter (X) may not display properly

Please enter a valid url
e.g. https://app.glueup.com
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Tell Us About Your Success Story

Test Group
Please enter a value for the other option. The value cannot exceed 255 characters.
Select one or more options
Test Group
Please enter a value for the other option. The value cannot exceed 255 characters.
Please select between 1 and 3 options

Please enter a success story - what challenges were you facing?
If you input more than 0 characters your Success Story - What Challenges Were You Facing? may not display properly

Please enter a success story - what action did you take to address the challenge?
If you input more than 0 characters your Success Story - What Action Did You Take to Address the Challenge? may not display properly

Please enter a success story - what was the outcome?
If you input more than 0 characters your Success Story - What Was the Outcome? may not display properly

Please enter a success story - what made this a success for your business/chamber?
If you input more than 0 characters your Success Story - What Made This a Success for Your Business/Chamber? may not display properly

Please enter a success story - what role did u.s. black chambers, inc. or a local chamber play?
If you input more than 0 characters your Success Story - What Role Did U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. or a Local Chamber Play? may not display properly
Click here to upload a file
Click here to upload a file

Contact Person

Please enter a valid phone number including country code
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Please enter a first name
If you input more than 0 characters your First Name may not display properly

Please enter a last name
If you input more than 0 characters your Last Name may not display properly

If you input more than 0 characters your Title/Position may not display properly

Event Room

All attendees will automatically be part of the online event room and be able to view community profiles.