Join us for a day filled with strikes, spares, and endless fun. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time bowler, this event is designed to ensure everyone has an amazing time. Our event offers a unique opportunity to connect with industry professionals while enjoying a friendly competition in a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere. Don't miss out on this chance to bond, network, and create lasting memories. Join us and experience the joy of bowling like never before!

Limited to 48 teams only! Register Now!.....


  • Member (Registration by Team Leader or Person In-Charge)

    RM 800

    Buy Ticket
  • Non-Member (Registration by Team Leader or Person In-Charge)

    RM 1,200

    Buy Ticket


16th Aii Bowling Tournament 2024 Prizes:

Team Category:

  • Champion : RM1,500 Cash + Tournament Trophy 
  • Team 2nd Place : RM1,000 Cash + Medal
  • Team 3rd Place : RM800 Cash + Medal
  • Team 4th Place : RM600 Cash + Medal
  • Team 5th Place : RM500 Cash + Medal

Best Bowlers (Individual Male & Female) Category:

  • 1st Place: RM200 Cash + Trophy
  • 2nd Place: RM150 Cash + Trophy
  • 3rd Place: RM100 Cash + Trophy


*Winners will be announced, and prizes will be given out throughout the tournament. 





  • We cordially invite member companies to support the event by participating in any of the 1st Aii Inter-Insurance Companies Bowling Tournament 2023 sponsorship packages.
  • Sponsorship Package as follows:
  1. Golden Turkey Sponsor - RM6,000
  2. Wild Turkey Sponsor - RM4,000
  3. Turkey Sponsor - RM2,000




All team members are required to be punctual. Any team member that arrives after the game has completed one frame, or if he misses a game completely, a blind score of 50 pinfalls will be given for that game and he/she will begin bowling at the start of the next game.


Each team (men & women) will be composed of four (4) players to play with one (1) reserve, including team managers and team captains. The tournament is a single-round format for both men and women. After which, ranking/position will be determined by total pinfalls.


The team leader should ensure all 4 bowlers are genuine as registered. Upon registration, the team leader will collect the bowler's tags and goodie bags.


Any team with illegal replacement of a bowler will be disqualified. Any alterations/changes to the names of players must be signed by any of the organizing staff to confirm the changes before the commencement of the game. Any player whose name has been altered or changed without the required signatures, his/her score shall not be included in the individual or team awards. Moreover, his/her score will be subjected to scrutiny and confirmation by the organizer. No replacement is allowed once the tournamenthas commence.


Players are encouraged to wear either smart casual, uniform, company T-shirt, or anything to represent their team. NO sandals and slippers while playing. Otherwise, a corresponding deduction of one (1) pinball per frame will be deducted from the score. There are prizes allocated for the best teams' attire and liveliness.


Personal bowling balls are allowed during the duration of the tournament.


Only officials and regular employees of the insurance industry are eligible to play


The game is allocated for one hour and forty minutes only. The tournament committee has the right to stop the game when it exceeds the time limit. The unfinished remaining frames will be given a default score of seven (7) pins per frame.


Shuffling or changing the order of players while the game is in progress is not allowed. Players violating this rule shall be penalized with a score of seventy (70) pinfall in total. Teams are obliged to strictly observe the playing order of players listed in the official register during the tournament. Substitution of players is allowed only before the first ball of the 10th frame is thrown.


Scores made after the expired time limit will not be carried over to the next round.


Participants shall observe proper conduct and decorum at all times. No smoking is allowed. The participants shall confine themselves to areas reserved for them. Only active players are allowed in the bowling alleys. Active players are those in actual play. The Tournament Committee has the right to call the attention of erring players. No obscene words should be called/shouted among the players.


All acts of dishonesty shall be dealt with accordingly. A player who catches another person committing any act of dishonesty should file a complaint or bring the matter to the attention of any member of the organizer for appropriate actions. The parties involved, together with their respective team leaders shall be called for a conference with the organizer and if after deliberation, the player had been found to have deliberately committed such dishonest act, the penalty shall be as follows:

  • 1st offense - score shall be recorded as 50 pinfalls
  • 2nd offense - player shall be disqualified from participating in the tournament.



By submitting the entry form, I/We, the participant(s) hereby agreed to abide by the rules and conditions of the championship. I/We certify that all of the above particulars are correct. I/We am/are entering the competition at my/our own risk and shall not hold the organizer or those connected to the organizer responsible for any damages whatsoever, resulting from injury, whether fatal or otherwise, of any participants or for damages to or loss of such person's property.


Players shall agree to give the Championship Organizer social media and motion picture rights, including permission to film players during all matches and activities around the Championship, for any commercial, news or other purpose together with the right to transfer such right, including without compensation.


In regards to Personal Data Protection Act 2010 ("the Act"), pleased note that your personal data is used, stored, disclosed and processed by Aii solely for the Purpose of registering training courses and/or in connection to other Aii products or services. Your personal information may also be disclosed or transferred to relevant third party i.e to the industry related associations, industry related companies, government agencies and any of their respective agents. Any inquiries or complaints with respect to your personal information may also be channeled to Aii by submitting such request to Aii via post, email (

Any matters arising and not stipulated in or provided for by the Rules & Regulation herein, shall be decided by the organizing committee.


To facilitate the smooth running of the Championship, the organising committee reserves the rights to amend the fixtures in any way it may deem fit.


The Organizer reserve the right to use any photographs (including those participants), motion picture recordings, or any media records of the event, for any legitimate purpose including commercial advertising and distribution to sponsors.


By signing up for and providing any information, personal or otherwise, in order to gain access to any product(s) and/or service(s) and/or participate in any programme(s), event(s), talk(s), demonstration(s) or any other activities involving the Organizer and the Event sponsors ("the Sponsors"), the individual ("the Participant") is deemed to have given explicit permission for the Organizer and the Sponsors to collect, analyse, collate, share, disclose to third parties, sell and/or otherwise use without any liability to the individual, any personal information relating to that individual as may in its sole discretion deem fit, including without any limitation for its programmes, planning, fund-raising and/or any other purposes in furtherance of the functions. The Organizer and the Sponsors declare by virtue of being the Event owner or sponsor, they can use services of third parties;


For development or implementation of programmes, products or services as it may deem necessary;

  • Or outsourcing of any programme(s), event(s),talk(s),demonstration(s) and/or any activities;
  • For promotional, marketing and/or administrative purposes;
  • For all purposes as required by law, including without limitation court proceedings ,criminal investigations or prosecutions or where so ordered by any competent authority;
  • In connection with any proposed novation, assignment, transfer, sale, lease, license, partnership, joint-organising and/or any collaboration where and when required in relation thereto.
  • In regards to Personal Data Protection Act 2010 ("the Act"), pleased note that your personal data is used, stored, disclosed and processed by Aii solely for the Purpose of registering training courses and/or in connection to other Aii products or services. Your personal information may also be disclosed or transferred to relevant third party i.e to the industry related associations, industry related companies, government agencies and any of their respective agents. Any inquiries or complaints with respect to your personal information may also be channeled to Aii by submitting such request to Aii via post, email (